Dialogia https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia <p>Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial is six monthly journals from Ushuluddin, Adab, and Dakwah Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo (IAIN Ponorogo), Indonesia. The articles of this journal are published on June and December. Dialogia publishes research articles from conceptual thinking and research results that have never been published, especially about Islamic studies with multidisciplinary approaches.&nbsp; Dialogia is accredited (SINTA 3). Dialogia is only accepts manuscript submissions written in English. This journal available in English version from Vol 19, No 2 Year 2021. Addres: Jl. Puspita Jaya, Pintu, Jenangan, Ponorogo (0352) 481277 Fax. (0352) 461893. email dialogia@iainponorogo.ac.id atau 08563166301 (Asna)</p> <p>ISSN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1180428593&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1693-1149&nbsp;</a>(cetak)</p> <p>e-ISSN :&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1451894339&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2502-3853</a>&nbsp;(Online).</p> IAIN Ponorogo en-US Dialogia 1693-1149 Dialogia : Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial allow the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and allow the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions, also the owner of the commercial rights to the article is the author. The Ulama and The State Politics During Pandemic: A Study on the Covid-19 Related Fatwa of the Council of Indonesian Ulama https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7080 This study examines the contemporary dynamics of the relationship between the Council of Indonesian Ulama (Majelis Ulama Indonesia/MUI) and the Indonesian government. As far as the MUI is concerned, the council has experienced a changing position concerning the Indonesian state relationship, from being the custodian of the government (khādim al-ḥukūma) to the custodian of the Indonesian Muslim community (khādim al-umma). This changing position appears mainly through MUI legal opinion (fatwās). Considering the current situation in Indonesia, where the Covid-19 pandemic has stormed, this article analyzes the relationship between MUI and the government. It examines MUI's fatwās issued during the pandemic, especially those related to public worship, economy, and health. This article argues that MUI's related fatwās on Covid-19 indicate a new turnback with MUI and the Indonesian state relationship. The fatwas show a strong direction that MUI leads to the position of khādim al-ḥukūma rather than khādim al-umma. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-08-20 2023-08-20 21 2 239 264 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7080 Islamic-Javanese Hybridization in Politic Cultural Mataram After the Weakening of the Politic Role of Santri https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/6164 <p><em>The transformation of Java into a stronghold of Islam can be attributed to the emergence and evolution of Islamic boarding schools, which played a crucial role in disseminating the religion across the region. Initially rooted in the assimilation of the elitist Hindu-Javanese mandala educational model. Throughout their evolution, Islamic boarding schools were instrumental in shaping Islamic politics, particularly during the Sultanate of Demak to Pajang. The influential Walisanga, also known as Kyai of the pesantren, served as pillars in teaching, fighting, and sustaining the sultanates. A qualitative historical research approach using literary sources delves into the factors behind Mataram's diminishing support for the political role of the santri, Sultan Agung's subsequent actions, and the resulting impacts. The study concludes that the King of Mataram perceived the political influence of Islamic boarding schools, especially the former Walisanga Islamic boarding school, as an obstacle to absolute authoritarianism. Sultan Agung's ambition to become the sole ruler comparable to the greatness of Majapahit was hindered. Following the collapse of the political role of Islamic boarding schools, Sultan Agung asserted himself as Agung Binathara, reinforcing acculturative Islamic culture through the Islamic-Javanese calendar and traditions. The aftermath included authorities' arrogance towards Islamic boarding schools, leading Amangkurat I to replace Sultan Agung through the arbitrary slaughter of Kyai and santri. Additionally, this era gave rise to Islamic-Javanese syncretic traditions at the Mataram Palace, encompassing the garbage ceremony, bedoyo tawang dance, belief in the supernatural powers of heirlooms, and the Kejawen concept, embodying Javanese-Islamic syncretism.</em></p> Muhammad Irfan Riyadi Ridho Rokamah Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Irfan Riyadi, Ridho Rokamah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 21 2 265 286 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.6164 Shifting Muslim Gorontalo Family Commitments in the Era of Social Media: A Socio-Legal Approach https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/6056 <p><em>In the era of social media, the current reality has led to a deviation in individual behavior within families. Family systems relying heavily on technology have shifted from traditional to modern. The research aims to explain why social media can lead to divorce in Gorontalo Religious Court. This study constitutes empirical research (field research). The research was meticulously conducted through direct fieldwork. The approach employed in this study is a social approach. The researcher directly investigates and deeply describes the commitment of married couples in household life and the influence of social media. To obtain valid data, the researcher used observation techniques for data collection. The researcher observed within the scope of scientific activities during the observation activities. In this case, the researcher observed 10 pairs of Muslim families in the city of Gorontalo, focusing on how the commitment of Gorontalo Muslim families has shifted. The number of respondents interviewed by the researcher was approximately 10 Muslim families, consisting of 5 husbands and 5 wives each. Finally, Documentation collected data from Gorontalo Religious Court judgments on divorces during 2021. Results of the research found that social media has an impact on two things, namely: 1) the fragility of Gorontalo Muslim family commitments due to tolerance of extramarital behavior in Gorontalo Muslim families, and 2) a shift in divorce orientation among Gorontalo Muslim families, where about 13.8% of divorce cases are caused by infidelity through social media.</em></p> Dikson T. Yasin Abdul Ghofur Muhyar Fanani Agus Nurhadi Copyright (c) 2023 Dikson T. Yasin, Abdul Ghofur, Muhyar Fanani, Agus Nurhadi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 21 2 287 304 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.6056 Moral Panic and Islamic Comic Preaching on Social Media: Study of @Iqomic on Instagram https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7081 <p><em>The Instagram account @Iqomic (Islamic Quotes and Comics) has popularized preaching content about Islamic comics through social media. Islamic comics initiated by comic artists are a phenomenon. Iqomic was formed in a network of comic artist groups or communities consisting of social media content creators, professional and amateur comic artists. This article reviews the @Iqomic account on social media, especially the Instagram application. Iqomic is an Islamic comic preaching account whose mission is to spread goodness and convey Islam's blessings to all. In analyzing the Islamic comic da'wah movement carried out by the Icomic community, the author uses moral panic to explore how the Iqomic community spreads and mobilizes comic da'wah as an effort to fight negative discourse about Islam, such as anarchy, terrorism and radicalism in its environment. Islamic community itself. The author is of the opinion that, in response to the emergence of various negative discourses about Islam, Iqomic has succeeded in becoming a popular da'wah media by incorporating Islamic narratives into popular Islamic culture among teenagers and young adults, so that it has become one of the favorite platforms for sharing stories and being creative.</em><em></em></p> Azhar Azhar Suryo Adi Sahfutra Copyright (c) 2023 Azhar Azhar, Suryo Adi Sahfutra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 21 2 305 324 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7081 Intellectual Resurgence for Contemporary Muslim Societies Adopting Malek Bennabi Social Change Paradigm https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7641 <p><em>This article describes the life and beliefs of Malek Bennabi, a figure who contributed and had a significant impact on Muslim society. Through his writings and ideas, Bennabi has left a legacy that inspires and motivates him to create a better future for the Muslim world. In addition, this research aims to provide a systematic literature review based on selected journals that specifically highlight Malek Bennabi's work with contemporary scholars to strengthen his intellectual legacy. The results of the systematic literature are: Bennabi's ideas about the challenges faced by Muslims, such as political or social marginalization and economic recession, can still be applied to current conditions, such as increasing corruption, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, mainly social media disruption of the principles of Muslim life. Moreover, while technology and progress often seem to come at the expense of traditional values, Bennabi's emphasis on the importance of creativity and the Islamic faith is particularly compelling. Finally, the findings of this study contribute to understanding the methodology, intellectual achievements, and their possible applications in post-modern society.</em></p> Jamaliah Jamil Copyright (c) 2023 Jamaliah Jamil https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 21 2 325 341 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7641 Evolution of an Islamic Ritual Salāh: From a Personal Ritual to a Communal One https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7135 <p><em>The ṣalāh (prayer) command in the Qur'an frequently accompanies zakāh (alms-giving). Nonetheless, during the Meccan period, the command of ṣalāh was often stated separately. This article analyzes the command for ṣalāh in the Meccan verses to highlight how this ritual evolved from a personal ritual of the Prophet Muhammad into a communal one. As previous studies have highlighted ṣalāh about pre-Islamic rituals known to the first audience of the Qur’an, this article is intended to examine the extent to which ṣalāh had evolved following the nubuwwah (prophethood) paradigm of the Prophet Muhammad, which was initially intended to be more personal and vertical, into risālah (apostolate), which was more public and horizontal. By analyzing the Meccan verses about the command for prayer in the context of the chronology of revelation, this article argues that prayer in the Qur’an evolved from the private ritual practice of the Prophet Muhammad into a communal one through the prophetic justification of the rituals of earlier prophets and their followers. This evolution went hand in hand with the nubuwwah paradigm, namely the claim that the Prophet Muhammad was able to communicate with the metaphysical realm, on the one hand, and the risālah paradigm, i.e., his claim about the mission of conveying this metaphysical information to his people, on the other.<strong></strong></em></p> Ahmad Lutfi Munirul Ikhwan Machasin Machasin Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Lutfi, Munirul Ikhwan, Machasin Machasin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 21 2 342 363 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7135 The Islamic Political Identity in Indonesia: A Study on Rejecting The Establishment of the Christian Church of Indonesia Yasmin https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7281 <p><em>The polemic of the Christian Church of Indonesia (GKI) Yasmin establishment, located in Bogor, has raised various kinds of new problems structurally and culturally. One of the problems at the structural level is the administrative polemic over the permit for the place's establishment of worship from the government of Bogor. On a cultural level, it is the emergence of conflict and intolerance between fellow Muslims—Islam vs. Islam or Islam vs. Christianity—whether social, political, legal, religious, or faith conflicts. The theoretical frameworks used to analyze the research questions are religious roles consisting of ideology, identity, social ethics, political Islamic movement theory, and human rights. The approach used in this documentary is qualitative. This research combines two methods of collecting data: primary and secondary. In-depth interview and cover In-depth Interview. This research determines the role of religion and politics owned by Islamic mass organizations (HTI and FORKAMI) in rejecting the establishment of GKI Yasmin in Curug Mekar Village, Bogor Barat Bogor. According to the research findings, religion has three roles: religion as ideology, HTI and Forkami as pressure groups (soft and complex pressure groups), and social-ethical. In the political context, the political roles of HTI and Forkami are structural Islamic political movements and cultural Islamic political movements.</em><em></em></p> Moh. Zainor Ridho Ridho Ahmad Zaini Zaini Copyright (c) 2023 Moh. Zainor Ridho Ridho, Ahmad Zaini Zaini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 21 2 364 375 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7281 Reconstruction of the Prophet's Maulid Tradition in the Palembang Malay Community https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/6047 <p>This research aims to discover the dynamics of the Maulid Nabi tradition, reconstruction, and analysis of the phenomenology of the reconstruction of the Maulid Nabi tradition in Palembang Malay Society. This study uses a reformistic typology (renewal) with a phenomenologically reconstructive approach assisted by anthropology and history—data collection by in-depth interviews and observation. The results of the study show that there are five variants in the implementation of the Maulid Nabi tradition. First, the annual tradition of not reading the Mawlid book. Second, the annual tradition of reading the Maulid book. Third, Maulid Arbain and Isyrin. Fourth, Mawlid Twelve Nights of Mawlid. Fifth, as a weekly wirid. Even though it is done differently, the substance shows love for the Prophet Muhammad. Reconstruction was carried out in the five variants. The Maulid Nabi tradition is an established tradition carried out from generation to generation while maintaining character and characteristics in terms of objectives, intentions or motivations, values, theological foundations, the position of the Prophet as uswatun hasanah, recitation of blessings and mahal al-qiyām. Reconstruction of the Maulid Nabi tradition in the Palembang Malay community carries a theological meaning. The Palembang Malay community must be reintroduced to sunnatullah theology. Second, social, which includes aspects of togetherness. Third, psychology is evident at the time of expensive al-qiyām. The congregation must understand the meaning in aspects related to the Mawlid tradition rationally, not only in the physical meaning<em>.</em><strong></strong></p> Choirun Niswah Izomiddin Izomiddin Alfi Julizun Azwar Bety Bety Choiriyah Choiriyah Copyright (c) 2023 Choirun Niswah, Izomiddin Izomiddin, Alfi Julizun Azwar, Bety Bety, Choiriyah Choiriyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 21 2 376 399 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.6047 Reconstructing Recent Paradigm Through the Interpretation of Halal Consumption with Shifting Paradigm Theory https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7175 <p><em>The obligation to consume halal food and beverages was originally an implementation of religious values in life. However, now, these values have been systematized in such a way as to gain profit by Moslems themselves and non-Muslims. The old paradigm of halal food is generally measured through the limits of unlawful food and drinks in the Qur'an and Hadith. The knowledge of society about unlawful food and drinks forms an understanding that other than the forbidden food means halal to consume. However, this paradigm clashes with recent science and technology, which prove that halal foods can be haram because of the processes carried out on the food or any external factors. This encourages various parties to form a new paradigm about the halal concept. This research is a descriptive-analytical library research to clearly describe the data on various paradigms in halal studies and analyze the anomalies in old studies that have moved various groups to form a new paradigm. This study uses the shift paradigm theory by Thomas Kuhn, which consists of pre-paradigm, normal phase, crisis or anomaly phase, and new paradigm shift phase. The data in this study are divided into primary and secondary data; the primary data of this study is the old paradigm in the interpretation of QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 168, and secondary data in this study come from books, scientific journals, theses, dissertations, and others. The results of this study indicate that the interpretation of QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 168 needs to be developed again because the old interpretation cannot solve the problems that arise in the current era. In forming a new paradigm, the government of the Republic of Indonesia commodifies the halal value of religion. It implements the JPH Law as a new standard that is more specific and systematic in determining halal products. Research like this is interesting to find new solutions to every social problem from various scientific backgrounds.</em></p> Sa'dullah Assa'idi Copyright (c) 2023 Sa'dullah Assa'idi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 21 2 400 418 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7175 Trans-Religious Genealogy: Jombang Community Resilience in Maintaining Tolerance in the Modern Era https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7382 <p><em>Intolerance is still a socio-religious problem that leads to ongoing conflict. Intolerance gives birth to individualist attitudes, fanaticism, and communal legitimacy. In pluralist and multiculturalist countries, tolerance has not found strong, solid roots, especially withstanding changing times. Tolerance is often temporary, easily ignited by stigma and internal motives. However, in Jombang Regency, as a miniature showcase for a portrait of tolerant religious attitudes, it can survive convincingly amid modernity. Adherents of Islam, Catholics, Protestants, and Hindus can be tolerant under any conditions. Therefore, this research seeks to explore the ideological conception of religious diversity in Jombang as a manifestation of the ideal depiction of tolerance. This article is based on qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Durkheim's social system theory is used as an analytical tool. Primary data was obtained from three religious adherents from religious and community figures. The research results revealed three things: 1) The genealogy of the religious tolerance values of Jombang society between Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism converges on the values of tasamuh, blessings, and the cult of God. 2) the resilience of tolerance amid modernity is created by a robust social structure, namely the genealogy of religious values, forming traditions, and the externalization of religious behavior. 3) religious transvalues create a tolerant categorization of religion, namely the connectivity of religious genealogy, internalization of religious traditions, and externalization of religious attitudes.</em><em></em></p> Limas Dodi Copyright (c) 2023 Limas Dodi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 21 2 419 442 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7382 Religious Insurgency and Quest for Sustainable Peace in Nigeria: The Islamic Model as a Panacea https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/dialogia/article/view/7453 The religious insurgency championed by the Boko Ḥarām movement has threatened Nigeria's quest for sustainable peace for more than a decade despite the counter-insurgency measures of successive governments. This paper examined Nigeria's turbulent decade of religious insurgency, its position within the Islamic context, and Islamically-inclined practicable solution to the threat. It used analytical research method based on existing secondary literature and primary Islamic law sources. The paper reveals that a turbulent decade of Boko Ḥarām insurgency has wreaked havoc on the peace and tranquillity previously existing among Nigeria's diverse ethno-religious entities. The analysis of Quranic texts, aḥādīth and opinions of notable scholars also indicates that religious insurgency associated with Boko Ḥarām is inconsistent with Islamic doctrines. Tolerance among religionists, proper religious teachings and interpretation of divine scripture, genuine inter and intra-faith dialogues, Islamic leadership-cum-governance paradigms, among others, were the identified Islamic-modelled panacea to the insurgency. The paper concludes that if the identified Islamic model can be embraced and considered in the scheme of things by religious and political leaders, as well as their ardent followers, the current religious insurgency would be drastically curtailed, thereby advancing sustainable peace in Nigeria. Manzoor Apenna Lawal Kazeem Oluwaseun Dauda Copyright (c) 2023 Kazeem Oluwaseun Dauda https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 21 2 443 470 10.21154/dialogia.v21i2.7453