ASANKA : Journal of Social Science and Education
<p><strong><em>Asanka: Journal of Social Science and Education</em></strong> [e-ISSN <a href="">2722-9998</a> | p-ISSN <a href="">2723-0007</a>] is a journal research published by Jurusan Tadris Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Ponorogo. This journal first published in 2020 to facilitate the publication of research and articles. ASANKA accepts original scientific writings that have never been published in the field of social science, education, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies and literature reviews. The Journal issued biannually in March and September.</p>Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogoen-USASANKA : Journal of Social Science and Education2723-0007<span>Asanka: Journal of Social Science and Education allow the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and allow the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions, also the owner of the commercial rights to the article is the author.</span>ULUR-ULUR TRADITION: Negotiations on Local Islam and Tulungagung Culture
<p>This study was made to construct the Ulur-Ulur tradition that emerged during the Majapahait period. The Ulur-Ulur tradition has passed through several periods of time, it is certainly interesting to study why it is still existence until now. The Ulur-Ulur tradition was still existence until the time of Islamic domination. What is the preservation of the Ulur-ulur tradition related to his ability to read discourse in each period? So that it has a different discourse in each period? or the existence of the Ulur-Ulur tradition due to the tolerance of the predominantly Islamic local community towards the previous culture? On the other hand, did the Ulur-Ulur tradition also negotiate itself from Islamic domination? This research uses historical and ethnographic methods. This study has three findings, first: the existence of the Ulur-Ulur tradition because of its ability to read discourse in each era, so that the Ulur-Ulur tradition has various meanings. Second, the tolerance of the majority Islamic community also maintains the existence of the Ulur-Ulur tradition. Third, the negotiation between the Ulur-ulur tradition and Islam, is also the key to the existence of tradition, the form of negotiation can be seen from the meaning of the offering.</p>Hendra AfiyantoMingyue Sun
Copyright (c) 2024 Hendra Afiyanto, Mingyue Sun
2024-08-302024-08-305212113510.21154/asanka.v5i2.9074Fighting Egoism in Freedom of Religion and Belief (Case Study: Communities Around the Keraton Solo Hadiningrat)
<p>Freedom of religion and worship in accordance with religion and belief has been regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Harmonization in respecting and respecting freedom of religion and worship must put aside egoism. The purpose of this study is to analyze examples of harmonization in freedom of religion and worship in a society that still maintains its beliefs but that still adheres the religion that is state-recognized religion. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection was carried out through literature studies, participant observation, and interviews. The methods used to analyze the data are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are: 1) Kejawen Islamic Society and Islamic Santri can tolerate and respect each other; 2) Kejawen Islamic Society and Islamic Santri have an understanding that worship is a personal or private matter between adherents of religions and God Almighty; and 3) A sense of egoism in society is put aside because of the understanding that the area is an area that historically and culturally has strong ties. The implication of this research is that it is an example for every society, which until now has still questioning the freedom of religion and belief of other people.</p>Ratna Etikasari Agus
Copyright (c) 2024 Ratna Etikasari Agus
2024-08-302024-08-305213714510.21154/asanka.v5i2.7172Management of Family Education in Growing Anti-Sexual Violence Attitudes
<p>Sexual violence against children is a crime that must be eliminated. This sexual violence has a negative impact on both physical and psychological aspects. Children are seen from two sides, namely children with potential as perpetrators and children with potential as victims. In this regard, parents have full responsibility to ensure that their children are not perpetrators, let alone victims of sexual violence. This study aims to analyse efforts to suppress the number of sexual violence through family education management in instilling an anti-sexual violence attitude. The approach used in this research is literature study. Data were obtained from various sources from articles and relevant reference books, related to the definition of sexual violence, acts of sexual violence, impacts and efforts to prevent sexual violence and the role of parents in preventing sexual violence. These various sources were analysed as findings from writing this article, which are related to family education management in instilling an anti-sexual violence attitude. The results show that the management of family education that is carried out by parents well can encourage children to understand and have an anti-sexual violence attitude. Thus, it is hoped that in the lives of children, children are protected from being perpetrators of sexual violence and as victims. Management of education in this family can be done by example, good communication between parents and children, and the cultivation of religious knowledge.</p>Wilis WerdiningsihYekti Winursito
Copyright (c) 2024 Wilis Werdiningsih, Yekti Winursito
2024-08-302024-08-305214715510.21154/asanka.v5i2.8819Pemanfaatan Situs Megalitik Selodiri Terjan untuk Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran IPS pada Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama
<p><em>There are still teachers who teach social studies subjects that seem less varied, so that students feel bored and tired, and learning becomes less meaningful. This study aims to obtain information about how the Terjan Site can be used as a source of social studies learning at the junior high school level. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a field research type. Interview, observation, and documentation study techniques are used in data collection. The results of the study show that the Terjan Site can be used as a source of social studies learning in class VII semester 1 through the field trip learning method contained in the social studies material on the theme of environmental diversity, sub-chapter of Habituation to Preserve the Environment, and material on human activities in prehistoric times in the Merdeka Curriculum. Utilization of the Terjan Site as an object of social studies learning can increase motivation, learning outcomes, creativity, nationalist character, environmental care, and critical thinking skills of students. In conclusion, the Terjan Site can be used as a source of social studies learning at the junior high school level, where the utilization of learning is adjusted to relevant material, namely in class VII semester 1.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Masih terdapat guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran IPS terkesan kurang bervariasi, sehingga peserta didik merasa jenuh, bosan, dan pembelajaran menjadi kurang bermakna. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi tentang bagaimana Situs Terjan dapat dijadikan sumber belajar IPS jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian lapangan. Teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi digunakan dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Situs Terjan dapat dijadikan sumber belajar IPS di kelas VII semester 1 melalui metode pembelajaran karyawisata yang terdapat pada materi IPS Tema Keberagaman Lingkungan Sekitar, Subbab Pembiasaan Diri untuk Melestarikan Lingkungan, materi Aktivitas Manusia Zaman Praaksara pada Kurikulum Merdeka. Pemanfaatan Situs Terjan sebagai objek pembelajaran IPS dapat meningkatkan motivasi, hasil belajar, kreativitas, karakter nasionalis, peduli lingkungan, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Kesimpulannya, Situs Terjan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar IPS tingkat SMP dimana pemanfaatan pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan materi relevan yakni terdapat pada kelas VII semester 1.</p>Abi Amar ZubairHasib Widya AzzahidRisqi Gilang Maulana
Copyright (c) 2024 Abi Amar Zubair, Hasib Widya Azzahid, Risqi Gilang Maulana
2024-08-302024-08-305215717310.21154/asanka.v5i2.9462Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through the Flipped-Project Based Learning Model: An Experimental Study
<p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Flipped-Project-based Learning model on student learning outcomes. This type of quasi-experimental research uses a control group pretest-posttest design that is applied to class XI IPS SMA Negeri 8 Malang, Indonesia (social sciences program at State Senior High School) academic years 2023-2024. The instrument used is an essay test of 5 questions on International Economic Cooperation material that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis used tests of normality, homogeneity, and independent sample t-test. The result of the study showed that the Flipped-Project Based Learning model was effective in improving students' student learning outcomes in Economics Lessons. Recommendations for further research, it is necessary to develop a project-based model in a blended or hybrid model by utilising digital learning or e-learning platforms.</p>Abdul BashithSaiful AminSri MindartiMuchammad Akbar KurniawanSari DewiRamadhani Lausi Mkumbachi
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Bashith, Saiful Amin, Sri Mindarti, Muchammad Akbar Kurniawan, Sari Dewi, Ramadhani Lausi Mkumbachi
2024-08-302024-08-305217518510.21154/asanka.v5i2.8621Social Acceptance Among Children with Learning Difficulties
<p>This study explores social acceptance among children with general learning difficulties/children with special needs (CSN) using a qualitative approach involving structured interviews with 144 students and in-depth interviews with three teachers. The research highlights the social dynamics of CSN inclusion, emphasizing the importance of a supportive environment, positive teacher attitudes, and peer education programs in promoting social integration. Findings show that students, particularly females at the junior high level, generally hold positive attitudes towards CSN. At the same time, concerns over emotional behaviors like tantrums create interaction challenges, especially among elementary school boys. Teachers ensure equal participation for CSN through individualized support, inclusive activities, and peer support systems. This study's originality lies in its comprehensive exploration of peer attitudes across educational levels. It offers insights into gender differences, behavioral challenges, and the teacher's role in promoting inclusive education through adaptive teaching methods and social support.</p>Ima Kurrotun AininNita Nitiya Intan Tabrin
Copyright (c) 2024 Ima Kurrotun Ainin, Nita Nitiya Intan Tabrin
2024-09-062024-09-065218720410.21154/asanka.v5i2.9784Islamic Perspective and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Pre-Marital Medical Test in Sokoto Metropolis
<p>The foundation of an egalitarian society is rooted in the family system, and a healthy marital atmosphere is needed to achieve the objective of marriage. Pre-marital medical test plays a vital role that cannot be overemphasized, particularly in limiting the spread of some infectious diseases, such as sickle cell, HIV, thalassemia, etc. However, the fact that some resistance was relatively recorded on the pre-marital medical tests among people in the Sokoto metropolis does not mean it has no place in Islam. The study intends to assess the level and attitudes of Muslims of Sokoto State towards the pre-marital test. The paper specifically examines the extent to which the pre-marital medical test is observed in the metropolis and the societal perception of it from the Islamic perspective, bearing in mind that preserving human life is among the significant goals of <em>Shari'ah</em> in Islam. Hence, the paper discovers less patronage of pre-marital medical tests by people in the Sokoto metropolis, which many attributed to ignorance of their existence and poor perception of them. The paper underpins the importance of having these tests by would-be couples before marriage as well as the position of Islam on them so that people in the state can embrace them accordingly. The paper adopted a qualitative survey where interviews were conducted with individuals and the researchers purposively selected participants. In conclusion, the study highlighted some of the importance of pre-marital medical tests among the Muslim <em>Ummah</em>.</p>Shafa'atu Aliyu BarmoAtiku Garba Yahaya
Copyright (c) 2024 Shafa'atu Aliyu Barmo, Atiku Garba Yahaya
2024-09-132024-09-135220522010.21154/asanka.v5i2.9861Improving Participation and Quality of Village Development Planning: Study in Sigaluh Village, Banjarnegara Regency
<p>This study aims to evaluate the quality of village development planning in Sigaluh Village, Sigaluh District, Banjarnegara Regency, based on Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Permendes) Number 21 of 2020. This study used qualitative descriptive methods with primary and secondary data obtained through purposive sampling. Data collection techniques are done through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis involves data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion. Data validity was checked using source triangulation. The results showed that, first, village development planning efforts in Sigaluh Village had tried to involve community aspirations and participation. Second, several factors cause planning not to be fully in accordance with Permendes Number 21 of 2020, such as potential problems and suboptimal support and cooperation. The impact of this study shows that development planning in Sigaluh Village needs to be improved to be more in accordance with Permendes Number 21 of 2020 by improving community involvement and optimizing existing potential, support, and cooperation.</p>Margi AstutiSukron MazidAtsani WulansariFarikahImroatun Hasanah
Copyright (c) 2024 Margi Astuti, Sukron Mazid, Atsani Wulansari, Farikah, Imroatun Hasanah