ITTISHÂL AL-WUJÛD Telaah Hermeneutis atas Ajaran Mistik Al-Fârâbî


  • Iswahyudi Iswahyudi Program Doktor Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Abstract: Al-Fârâbî had mystical doctrines which are different from those of other philosophers, such as Shuhrawardi, al-H{allâj, al-Bust}ami, as well as Ibn 'Arabî. Al-Fârâbî’s mystical doctrines indeed are unique but very few researchers who had seriously studied them. In that context, this paper seeks to discuss mystical doctrines of Al-Fârâbî. Discussion is directed to the basic assumptions, their structures, and their relevances for contemporary religious life. This study found that the basic assumptions underlying mystical Al-Fârâbî are the view of wujûd and man's relationship with God. According to Al-Fârâbî an attempt to obtain happiness is by tapping soul of nâmiyah (plant life) and soul of h}assiyah (animal spirit) in order to achieve  soul of nât}iqah (soul of thinking). Through soul of nât}iqah, someone will be able to reach a gifted reason ('aql al-mustafâd). With the attainment of the gifted reason, someone will be in touch with 'Aql Fa'âl (Tenth Intellect), as a reason in wujûd rûh}iyah which serves as an intermediary between the nature of rûh}iyah with the nature of mâdiyah. Al-Fârâbî is theoretical mystics rather than practical one. Instead of the sufism of subjugation, the sufism of Al-Fârâbî is of awareness and of theoretical one.



Al-Fârâbî memiliki ajaran mistik yang berbeda dengan filosof lain, seperti Shuhrawardi, al-H{allâj, al-Bust}ami, dan juga Ibnu 'Arabî. Ajaran mistik Al-Fârâbî sesungguhnya unik namun sangat sedikit para peneliti yang mengkajinya secara serius. Dalam konteks itulah, tulisan ini berupaya membahas ajaran mistik Al-Fârâbî. Pembahasan diarahkan kepada asumsi dasar, konstruksi ajaran, dan implikasi ajaran mistik Al-Fârâbî, serta relevansinya bagi kehidupan keberagamaan kontemporer. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa asumsi dasar yang melandasi ajaran mistik Al-Fârâbî adalah pandangannya tentang wujûd dan hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan. Menurut Al-Fârâbî, usaha untuk memperoleh kebahagiaan dilakukan dengan cara menekan jiwa nâmiyah (jiwa tumbuh-tumbuhan) dan jiwa h}assiyah (jiwa binatang) agar dicapai jiwa nât}iqah (jiwa berpikir). Melalui jiwa nât}iqah, seseorang akan bisa mencapai akal terlimpah (”˜aql al-mustafâd). Dengan pencapaian akal terlimpah, seseorang akan bisa berhubungan dengan ”˜Aql Fa’âl (Akal Kesepuluh), sebagai akal dalam wujûd rûh}iyah yang bertugas sebagai perantara antara alam rûh}iyah dengan alam mâdiyah. Ajaran mistik Al-Fârâbî adalah ajaran mistik penalaran bukan sekedar tindakan praktis. Tasawuf Al-Fârâbî adalah tasawuf kesadaran bukan penundukan dan bercorak teoritis.


Keywords: mistik Islam, filsafat Islam, Alfârâbi, tasawuf.

Author Biography

Iswahyudi Iswahyudi, Program Doktor Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Program Doktor Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya




How to Cite

Iswahyudi, I. (2012). ITTISHÂL AL-WUJÛD Telaah Hermeneutis atas Ajaran Mistik Al-Fârâbî. Dialogia, 10(2), 145–168.