Dialogia 2024-07-03T12:17:19+07:00 Faiq Ainurrofiq [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial is six monthly journals from Ushuluddin, Adab, and Dakwah Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo (IAIN Ponorogo), Indonesia. The articles of this journal are published on June and December. Dialogia publishes research articles from conceptual thinking and research results that have never been published, especially about Islamic studies with multidisciplinary approaches.&nbsp; Dialogia is accredited (SINTA 3). Dialogia is only accepts manuscript submissions written in English. This journal available in English version from Vol 19, No 2 Year 2021. Addres: Jl. Puspita Jaya, Pintu, Jenangan, Ponorogo (0352) 481277 Fax. (0352) 461893. email [email protected] atau 08563166301 (Asna)</p> <p>ISSN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :&nbsp;<a href=";1180428593&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1693-1149&nbsp;</a>(cetak)</p> <p>e-ISSN :&nbsp;<a href=";1451894339&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2502-3853</a>&nbsp;(Online).</p> Comparative Analysis of Anti-Capitalist Narratives in Hizb ut-Tahrir Movements in Indonesia and Malaysia 2024-07-03T12:17:19+07:00 Hasbi Aswar [email protected] <p>This study explores the narrative of anti-capitalism through the perspective of Islamic political movements by comparing the Hizb ut-Tahrir movement in Indonesia and Malaysia. Capitalism has been a global topic of conversation with diverse impacts on societies, both positive and negative. However, criticisms have emerged due to the various damages and social impacts experienced in different countries. This research investigates how Hizb ut-Tahrir in Indonesia and Malaysia responds to the impact of capitalism in their respective countries through the lens of Islamic ideology. The study employs a qualitative approach with comparative analysis techniques, utilizing data collected from documents and literature related to the Hizb ut-Tahrir movement in both countries. The results reveal that Hizb ut-Tahrir in Indonesia and Malaysia views capitalism as a system incompatible with Islamic principles. They critique the capitalist system for fostering injustice, inequality, and the oppression of marginalized populations. Additionally, Hizb ut-Tahrir in Indonesia and Malaysia propose alternative Islamic-based economic systems as solutions to global economic problems.</p> <p><input id="ext" type="hidden" value="1"></p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hasbi Aswar Ethical Politic in the View of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: A Response to Political Pragmatism 2024-07-03T10:42:12+07:00 Muhamad Fajar Pramono [email protected] Mohamad Latief [email protected] Chandra Dwisetyo Widodo [email protected] <p>This article discusses political ethics according to Badiuzzaman Said Nursi as a response to political pragmatism. This research departs from the rampant cases that reflect the pragmatic attitude of political elites. They prioritise profits and benefits over values and rules resulting in abuse of authority. This is due to the political elite leaving religious values as the basis of political ethics. Said Nursi has an interesting concept to answer the problem of political pragmatism. Nursi offers political ethics based on Islamic values. The findings of this article reveal that Said Nursi's political ethics are based on six basic principles including tawhid, consultation, freedom, justice, equality and nationalism. For Nursi, politics must be based on religion as a moral force that can control human desires and passions, religion becomes a solid foundation for creating prosperity and stability of the state. Thus, the purpose of politics is not self-satisfaction but to achieve the pleasure of Allah SWT and realise the benefit of the people. This research is a qualitative study with a critical analysis method uses Risale-i Nur as the primary reference and secondary in the form of related scientific works.</p> 2024-07-02T20:33:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Chandra Dwisetyo Widodo Islamic Moderation as An Alternative Narrative to Extremism from The Interpretation of The Qur'an Perspective 2024-07-03T10:42:12+07:00 Moh Alwy Amru Ghozali [email protected] M Rozi Indrafuddin [email protected] <p>Religious extremism is a serious problem and is hampering the realization of a Golden Indonesia in 2045. It was born because of errors in understanding religion, especially its holy books. In order to weaken its influence, countering the narrative of extremism from an interpretive perspective is urgent, and at the same time it is also necessary to strengthen Islamic moderation as an alternative narrative. Using the descriptive-analytical method, it was concluded: <em>first</em>, the form of narrative of extremism that is often used by hardline groups is about taghut, satan and the caliphate. <em>Second</em>, the counter narrative to extremism is to present a different narrative and reject extremist views about these terms from the perspective of Al-Qur'an interpretation. <em>Third</em>, Islamic moderation as an alternative narrative to extremism finds its source of understanding in the Koran, both regarding the nature of Islamic moderation and its forms.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><strong><em>Counter Narrative of Extremism; Islamic Moderation; Alternative Narrative; Interpretation of The Quran</em></strong></p> 2024-07-03T10:39:18+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Alwy Amru Ghozali, M Rozi Indrafuddin Gender Dysphoria in the Context of Compulsory Livelihood in Islam: Building Bridges Between Tradition and Social Change 2024-07-03T10:42:13+07:00 Bahroin Budiya [email protected] Zeid Bin Smeer [email protected] Umi Sumbulah [email protected] <p>This study aims to explain the experiences of people with gender dysphoria who seek to fulfill subsistence obligations in daily life, determine how religion handles them, and analyze the efforts of individuals and communities (in-laws and parents) in building bridges between tradition and social change. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach to understand the experience of individuals with gender dysphoria in fulfilling their income obligations in the Islamic context and in the perspective of parents or in-laws. The finding of this study &nbsp;is that gender identity is not something that is completely influenced by the social environment, but is also caused by certain biological factors. People with gender dysphoria face challenges in fulfilling subsistence obligations, these challenges are caused by their discomfort with traditional gender roles and the discrimination they experience, Islam argues that husbands remain responsible for the living. However, some people with gender dysphoria have support from their parents or in-laws.</p> 2024-07-02T20:38:37+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bahroin Budiya Women Workers In The Qur'an (A Study of Maqasidi Interpretation Approach) 2024-07-03T10:42:13+07:00 Naimmatus Solehah [email protected] Muhammad Irsad [email protected] Eka Prasetiawati [email protected] <p><em>Developments from time to time affect significant changes in women, one of which is their position in society to get a job. Such women are called working women. This study examines women workers in the Qur'an using the thematic method and maqāṣidi interpretation as its approach. This research focuses on Q.S al-Qaṣaṣ [28] : 23 and Q.S al-Aḥzāb [33] : This research is a literature review with the primary sources of tafsir al-Qurthubi, tafsir Jalālain, and tafsir al-Munir. The conclusion of this study indicates that the verse describes the permissibility of women working as long as they maintain their honor. In addition, women are also not allowed to be excessive in adornment. While from the findings regarding the aspects of maqāṣid al-syarī'ah and the fundamental values of the Qur'an, the author finds a prominent aspect which is hifdzu nafs, because in this verse it is explained that the two women protect themselves from being crowded with other herders by waiting for the herders to finish at the water source, there is also a value of equality that stands out because it shows the equal position between men and women in terms of work. If contextualized in this day and age, women are allowed to work to fill their spare time and develop their skills. The wisdom that can be learned is that women can utilize their time by doing useful work, and work to meet their needs as long as they pay attention to the conditions when working<strong>.</strong></em></p> 2024-07-03T09:39:18+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Naimmatus Solehah, Muhammad Irsad, Eka Prasetiawati The Use of The Braille Qur’an As A Medium of Processing For The Disabled Community (Study Of The Blind Group) 2024-07-03T10:42:13+07:00 Mutrofin Mutrofin [email protected] Rasha Osman Abdel Haliem Osman [email protected] Siti Shofiatur Rohmawati Din Putri [email protected] Atikalailatul Mukarromah [email protected] <p><em>The blind group are persons with physical disabilities who have visual impairments. The blind are classified into two types, namely unable to see totally (totally blind) or blind, and able to see with very minimal intensity (low vision). Blind people often have difficulty receiving da'wah messages, because they only rely on hearing to catch the message. So that the right da'wah media is needed to make it easier for the blind in learning Islamic teachings. Preaching to the blind also requires specific strategies and methods of preaching, namely the method of preaching bil-hal delivered by mau'idzah al-hasanah. Through this research, the writer wants to know the level of effectiveness of the Braille Al-Qur'an as a media for preaching the disabled community, especially the blind group. This study uses qualitative methods with literature review data collection techniques. According to the results of the study, the use of the Braille Qur'an is quite effective in introducing Allah's words to the blind because they are textual (can be touched/touched) and sound. With all its advantages, there are several inhibiting factors for the Braille Qur'an as a da'wah medium for the blind.</em></p> 2024-07-03T09:36:32+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mutrofin Mutrofin Anxiety Disorder Through the Quranic Paradigm 2024-07-03T11:23:50+07:00 Elima Amiroh Nur Azizah [email protected] Siti Mukholifah [email protected] Hanna Ulinnuha [email protected] Didik Andriawan [email protected] Aziz Miftahus Surur [email protected] <p>This article aims to provide an insightful examination of strategies for <br>addressing anxiety disorder based on interpretations of the Qur’an. In Indonesia, <br>the prevalence of anxiety is alarmingly high, with 9,162,886 reported cases of <br>depression in the past two years alone. Given the Qur’an’s revered status as a <br>guidance book, exploring its teachings on anxiety is essential to address this <br>pressing issue. Employing a qualitative research approach focused on a literature <br>review, this study draws from various sources, including scholarly books and <br>articles. The research outcomes highlight several theoretical frameworks derived <br>from the Qur’an for tackling anxiety, such as (1) mindfulness—a meditative <br>therapy aimed at clearing the mind of negative experiences and redirecting focus <br>toward positivity; (2) cognitive therapy—recalibrating one’s mindset toward <br>optimistic perspectives, and (3) fostering resilient attitudes by steadfastly <br>confronting adversities.<br>Keyword: Anxiety Disorder; al-Qur’an; Exegesis</p> 2024-07-03T09:49:31+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aziz Miftahus Surur, Elima Amiroh Nur Azizah, Siti Mukholifah, Hanna Ulinnuha, Didik Andriawan