El-Dusturie 2024-06-21T08:34:09+07:00 Umarwan Sutopo [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">El-Dusturie: Journal of Law and Legislation is a peer-reviewed journal with a double blind review system published by the Sharia Faculty of IAIN Ponorogo with the scope of Constitutional Law and State Administrative Law, especially in relation to Islamic state administration and the development of contemporary legal and political issues .</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Fokus and Scope<br></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">El-Dusturie: Journal of Law and Legislation is a peer-reviewed journal with a double blind review system.&nbsp;<br>The scope of El-Dusturie is:</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&gt; Law (Constitutional Law, State Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law and Socio-Legal Jurisprudence)<br>&gt; Islamic law is related to state laws and regulations (Fiqh Siyasah, Islamic Political Thoughts, Constitution in Islam)</p> Melampaui Tradisi: Evaluasi Dampak Kebijakan Politik Terhadap Pembaharuan Hukum Keluarga 2024-06-14T09:39:35+07:00 Rohmad Nurhuda [email protected] <p><em>Rapid changes in social and political dynamics have triggered a response from the government in the form of political policies aimed at creating family law that is more inclusive, fair and in line with the demands of the times. In line with the evolution of political policies affecting family law, there are essential questions that guide this research. First, how have political policies influenced reforms in family law? Second, to what extent have these changes been effective in achieving the goals of equality, justice and family welfare? Third, what are the challenges and obstacles that arise in the implementation of political policies related to family law reform? The policy analysis method, case study, and qualitative approach in this research are expected to provide a comprehensive picture of the complexity of the interaction between political policy and family law reform, as well as its impact on society. The development of family law in Indonesia reflects a journey from conservative norms towards increased individual rights, gender equality and family diversity. The results of this study show that the implementation of political policies related to family law reform faces a number of challenges, including resistance from conservative groups and skepticism among the Muslim community. Ambiguity in the criteria for change, changing political dynamics, and controversy surrounding the practice of underage marriage are obstacles to achieving consistency and clarity in implementation. In addition, the need for balance between positive and Islamic law emphasizes the importance of dialogue and cooperation across sectors to achieve an effective and sustainable vision of family law reform. With this balance in mind, this study emphasizes that constructive and inclusive dialogue between the government, the Muslim community, and other stakeholders is key to ensuring that changes to family law are acceptable to all parties and remain consistent with constitutional values and respected sharia principles.</em></p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rohmad Nurhuda Tinjauan Teori Critical Legal Studies Dalam Pandangan Mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah IAIN Ponorogo Terkait Pencegahan Money Politic Pemilu 2024 2024-06-14T09:36:01+07:00 Dewi Iriani [email protected] Diana Nasiatul Munawaoroh [email protected] Elsa Sintya Marvinda [email protected] <p><em>Money politics is an act of dishonesty in a campaign that influences other people or the community by giving money or certain goods or you could say buying and selling votes when approaching the election, so that the community chooses a certain candidate. The formulation of the problem studied is 1) What is the role of IAIN Ponorogo students in guarding the prevention of money politics in the 2024 Election? 2) How can students' attitudes towards criticizing the occurrence of money politics in the implementation of the 2024 elections be studied using Critical Legal Studies theory? The research methodology uses qualitative methods, and the type of normative juridical research is in the form of Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. The research approach uses 1) conceptual research using Critical Legal Studies theory as an analytical tool. 2) case study research, in the form of a case of money politics in the 2024 elections. 3) Sociology research, the author conducted interviews with Syariah faculty students at IAIN Ponorogo regarding money politics in the 2024 elections. The research results are: 1) The role of sharia faculty students at IAIN Ponorogo in guarding and preventing money politics in the 2024 Election, namely: providing education to the public, the BEM Chair Election was carried out transparently, honestly, without engaging in money politics. Providing understanding to the public, to choose the vision and mission of election candidates, not choosing because of money or gifts. Educate the public about the dangers of political money which is prohibited by religion, and get sanctions based on Article 515 of Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. Eliminate the cultural tradition of receiving money or gifts before elections. Select potential leaders with integrity. 2) Political money in the implementation of the 2024 elections, if studied using the Critical Legal Studies theory, that critical legal studies has characteristics, namely: political interests, groups of people who are not neutral, benefiting certain parties. detrimental to the general public</em></p> 2024-06-14T09:36:01+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Iriani, Diana Nasiatul Munawaoroh, Elsa Sintya Marvinda Analisis Kepatuhan Hukum Masyarakat Desa Kunti Kecamatan Bungkal Kabupaten Ponorogo Dalam Membayar Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan 2024-06-14T10:04:38+07:00 Pipit Kalsum Wigati [email protected] <p><em>Acceptance from the taxation sector remains the primary source of government spending, both at the central and local levels. However, there are still many issues in tax collection itself. Taxpayer compliance in paying Property Tax (PBB) can facilitate local governments in implementing development in their regions. However, in reality, taxpayer awareness in Indonesia is still generally low. Many villages still have taxpayers who are not tax-compliant. Unlike other villages, in Kunti village, the majority of the population is already tax-compliant, as evidenced by the predicate awarded to Kunti village as a Tax-compliant village for 2 consecutive years. With the level of compliance found in Kunti village, it is hoped to serve as an example for other villages where taxpayer awareness is still low. This research is qualitative in nature, employing field research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques include interviews and documentation. The analysis method used in this research is empirical. From the results of this research, it is known that the level of land and building tax compliance in Kunti village from 2021 to 2023 is very satisfactory. The compliance of the community in Kunti village cannot be separated from the role of the village government, which directly participates in the collection of land and building taxes. The role of the Kunti village government itself in increasing legal compliance among its community is through regular socialization, improving services in tax collection, and giving rewards to compliant taxpayers. With the active role played by the Kunti village government, compliance among its community in paying land and building taxes has been increased.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-14T10:04:38+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pipit Kalsum Wigati The Analisis Komparasi Politik Hukum Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2023 Dengan Kuhp Tentang Pidana Mati 2024-06-14T10:33:02+07:00 Prabangasta Asfi [email protected] Zuhana Ade Wirakusuma [email protected] <p><em>The death penalty is placed as an alternative punishment that is imposed as an option or last resort, not the main punishment as in the old Criminal Code.&nbsp; Placing the death penalty as an alternative punishment in Law Number 1 of 2023 raises pros and cons in society. As a replacement for the old Criminal Code, Law Number 1 of 2023 was formed to suit the needs of the Indonesian nation. Meanwhile, the Criminal Code itself is a criminal code inherited from the Dutch colonial period which has been in effect since 1946 until now. The aim of this research is to analyze the concept of imposing the death penalty in Article 100 of Law Number 1 of 2023 with Article 10 of the Criminal Code and to understand the legal politics of imposing the death penalty in Article 100 of Law Number 1 of 2023 with Article 10 of the Criminal Code. This research uses qualitative comparative literature research by comparing the two articles to be studied with a normative research approach using secondary data sources, primary legal materials in the form of Law Number 1 of 2023 and the Criminal Code as well as secondary data sources such as books by Andi Hamzah, Soedikno, Joko Sriwidodo and R.Soesilo as well as previous research such as journals, theses and articles. The results of the research are that the concept of imposing the death penalty between Law Number 1 of 2023 and the Criminal Code has differences. Judging from the theory of language interpretation, teleological interpretation, systematic interpretation, historical interpretation and comparative interpretation, both have significant differences, but in criminal theory they both have similar principles in a combined criminal theory which aims to provide a deterrent effect and enforce the law.</em><br><br></p> 2024-06-14T10:33:02+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Prabangasta Asfi, Zuhana Ade Wirakusuma Relevansi Pemikiran Ibn Khaldun Terhadap Sistem Presidential Threshold Di Indonesia 2024-06-21T08:34:09+07:00 Nur Khusnul Khotimah [email protected] <p>The aim of writing this scientific article is to find out about Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on the conditions for limiting the requirements for candidates for head of state and their relationship to the Presidential Threshold system in Indonesia. The presidential threshold is a rule established by an authorized institution which becomes a reference in presidential candidacy, this reference is in the form of a limit obtained from support from the DPR, support obtained in the form of votes (ballot) or results of obtaining seats (seat). These limits must be obtained by political parties or combinations of political parties in order to be able to nominate President in the General Election. The implementation of the presidential threshold is a policy that aims to create stability between the government and the legislative body so that the government does not encounter difficulties in taking policy direction. In Islamic teachings, majority power can be limited, so that popular sovereignty means the people's right to supervise the government to always remain within the limits outlined by the Shari'a. The people of Medina, who are the reference for the concept of an Islamic state, have a political idea called shura' (deliberation), namely an open space where anyone has the right to express their opinion in an area where the Shari'ah does not strictly limit it. Shura' exceeds democracy in terms of the availability of sharia which limits majority rule which allows the growth of authoritarianism under the guise of democracy. The concept of shura' is very relevant to democracy, especially in the aspects of substance, spirit of opposition to tyranny, and the principle of the majority. Through the concept of shura', the state in Islam must open up space for interaction for society as part of a mechanism for political control and participation as part of worship and amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that there is relevance between the Presidential Threshold and Ibn Khaldun's thoughts regarding one of the requirements for a person to be nominated as head of state.</p> 2024-06-21T08:31:31+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Khusnul Khotimah