
  • Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam

    Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam is published by IAIN Ponorogo twice a year in May and November on the development of Islamic thought and have accredited Sinta 2 based on decree of Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset Dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, Dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Number: 34/E/Kpt/2018,  Date 10 December 2018.

    Al-Tahrir aims to promote scientific publication on Islam and Muslim culture in its broadest sense covering textual, historical and empirical aspects, both classical/medieval, modern and contemporary periods in the Islamic World and beyond. This journal encompasses original research articles based on library and/or empirical research in the field of Islamic studies especially on, but not limited to, eight main topics: (1) the Qur’an and hadith (2) Islamic Law (3) Islamic Theology (Kalam) (4) Islamic Philosophy (5) Islamic Mysticism (Tasawwuf) (6) Islamic Education (7) Islamic Communication and Propogation (Dakwa) (8) Islamic Politics and (9) Islamic Economics. It encourages articles that employ a multi-disciplinary approach to those topics. Scholars from any countries and region that are concerned with Islam and its manifestation throughout Muslim history and geography in the Islamic World and beyond can submit their article to Al-Tahrir and use this open access journal. Novelty and recency of issues, however, are the priority in publishing.

    P-ISSN: 1412-7512

    E-ISSN: 2502-2210

  • Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan

    Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan is a reputable journal published by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, The State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo (IAIN Ponorogo), Indonesia. The focus of this journal deals with a broad range of topics related to Islamic education. Cendekia invites scientists, scholars, researchers, and professionals to publish their research in our journal.

    This journal publishes high-quality empirical and theoretical research articles reviewed by leading experts in the fields. The incoming papers will be selected based on great scientific studies, valuable new insights, and captivating the community in Islamic education.

    Cendekia is accredited Rank 2 as a scientific journal under the decree of the Directorate General of Research Enhancement and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, dated 25 September 2023, No: 152/E/KPT/2023. It also has become a member of CrossRef with DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.

    This journal is published twice a year, in June and December. It has an international standard serial number for both printed and online versions. They are p-ISSN: 1693-1505 and e-ISSN: 2477-796X 

  • Justicia Islamica

    Justicia Islamica: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Sosial is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published semiannually (June and December) by the Faculty of Sharia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia.

    The journal aims to advance knowledge in Islamic legal studies within Muslim societies from various perspectives, enriching both theoretical and empirical research. It covers a range of subjects, including in-depth studies of living law in Muslim communitieslegal negotiations on human rights, and issues related to comparative legal systems and constitutional law in Muslim-majority countries. The journal's primary objective is to disseminate original research and address contemporary issues within the legal framework, exploring historical, cultural, and sociopolitical contexts.

    Justicia Islamica: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Sosial is accredited (SINTA 2) by the General Director of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia since 9 July 2018 based on the Decree Number 21/E/KPT/2018. In 2020, Justicia Islamica: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Sosial was reaccredited (SINTA 2) on 23 December 2020 by Decree Number 200/M/KPT/2020. Member of CrossRef, all published articles in this journal will have a unique DOI number.

    Justicia Islamica: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Sosial was first published in 2004 (printed edition). Then, it migrated gradually to an electronic journal system in 2016 (Open Access). It is now a fully online journal available in English from Vol 17 No. 1, 2020.

  • Dialogia

    Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial is six monthly journals from Ushuluddin, Adab, and Dakwah Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo (IAIN Ponorogo), Indonesia. The articles of this journal are published on June and December. Dialogia publishes research articles from conceptual thinking and research results that have never been published, especially about Islamic studies with multidisciplinary approaches.  Dialogia is accredited (SINTA 3). Dialogia is only accepts manuscript submissions written in English. This journal available in English version from Vol 19, No 2 Year 2021. Addres: Jl. Puspita Jaya, Pintu, Jenangan, Ponorogo (0352) 481277 Fax. (0352) 461893. email atau 08563166301 (Asna)

    ISSN    : 1693-1149 (cetak)

    e-ISSN : 2502-3853 (Online).

  • Kodifikasia

    Kodifikasia: Jurnal Penelitian Islam is a journal published by Institute for Research and Community Services, State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo. This journal first published in 2007 (printed edition) to facilitate the publication of research, articles, and book review. The Journal issued biannually in June and December.
    This journal has been accredited “Rank 4” (Sinta 4) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, February 9th, 2023.
    For author interested in submitting the manuscript, kindly ­register yourself. The author guidelines can be viewed it here, and the manuscript template can be downloaded here.
    For Further Information, visit our office at Kantor Pusat IAIN Ponortogo, Lt. 1, Jalan Pramuka, 156, or email address:
    p-ISSN   : 1907-6371
    e-ISSN   : 2527-9254
  • Muslim Heritage

    Muslim Heritage is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Postgraduate of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ponorogo. The journal is a semi-annual publication publishing two issues (June and December) each year. It strives to strengthen transdisciplinary studies on issues related to Islam and Muslim societies. Its principal concern includes Islamic educations, Islamic laws, islamic education management, islamic interdicipliner, islamic moderation, islamic social, and Islamic economics. The journal reserves as a knowledge exchange platform for researchers, scholars, and authors who dedicate their scholarly interests to expand the horizon of Islamic educations, Islamic laws,and  Islamic economics.

    Muslim Heritage believes in the idea of knowledge for all and an easy-access for every interested reader. All published articles can be accessed through our online platform at Since 2016, The Indonesia Ministry for Research and Technology (Kemenristek RI) has granted Muslim Heritage as one of referred publication (accredited Sinta 2).


    Journal title : Muslim Heritage
    Subject : Islamic Educations, islamic education management, islamic moderation, islamic social, Islamic Laws, Islamic Economics
    Language : English, Indonesia, Arab
    ISSN 2502-5341 (online), 2502-535X (print)
    Frequency : 2 issues per year (Semiannual)
    DOI : Prefix 10.21154/muslimheritage by Crossref
    Acreditation SINTA 2
    Editor-in-chief : Miftahul Huda
    Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Ponorogo
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar
    Email :
  • Pustakaloka

    PUSTAKALOKA: Jurnal Kajian Informasi & Perpustakaan is a peer-reviewed journal taken from the library of IAIN Ponorogo on Information and Library Science. PUSTAKALOKA is published twice annually (June and December) by the journal editors from the Library IAIN Ponorogo in cooperation with the Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam (APPTIS) Jawa Timur.

    Every received article will be reviewed by the journal editors and external editors and reviewers who are competent in each related field. The review uses double-blind peer review before the journal is published. PUSTAKALOKA will publish selected paper under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License. And, every article is free of charge for authors and readers.

    ISSN PRINT: 2085-2118

    ISSN ONLINE: 2502-4108

  • El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business

    Journal title : El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
    Focus and Scope : Economics, Islamic Economics and Business.
    Language   English
    Publication Frequency : 2 issues per year (May & Nopember)
    Peer Review Process : Double-blind
    DOI Prefix : 10.21154/elbarka by crossref3
    ISSN : 2657-1862 (Online) | 2657-1153 (Printed)
    Management Style : Open Access
    Organizer : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business
    Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
    Citation Analysis : SINTA, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Dimensions, Garuda, OneSearch, CrossRef, Moraref, DRJI, Nolimit

    El Barka is a semiannual journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Ponorogo and cooperates with the Centre of Islamic Economics Studies (CIES), Economics and Finance Lecturers Association of Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur (IUKL), Sharia Economics Lecturer Association or Asosiasi Dosen Ekonomi Syariah (ADESy), and Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI), El Barka accepts original scientific writings that have never been published in the field of economics, Islamic economics, and business, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies, and literature reviews.

    This Journal has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research-Technology and the Higher Education Republic of Indonesia: 79/E/KPT/2023 Sinta 3

    It’s located at:

    Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Ponorogo
    Kampus II Jenangan Ponorogo Jawa Timur Indonesia 63492

    Telp. (0352) 3576565 Fax. (0352) 3591451 E-mail:

    p-ISSN: 2657-1153

    e-ISSN: 2657-1862

  • Al-Syakhsiyyah: Journal of Law & Family Studies

    Al Syakhsiyyah Journal (Journal of Law and Family Studies) is published by IAIN Ponorogo and organized by Jurusan Hukum Keluarga Islam Fakultas Syariah, twice a year. This journal is intended as a place of thought that is open to all circles. The articles published in this journal are in the form of scientific writings on conceptual thinking, literature review, and research results in the field of Islamic law and Islamic family law that have never been published.

    Its primary concern for this journal covers multidisciplinary study topics on Islamic Law, particularly those related to Fiqh, Usul Fqih, Islamic Law in various countries, Islamic Family Law, Islamic Criminal Law, and Islamic constitutional law. This journal serves as a knowledge exchange platform for researchers, scholars, and writers who dedicate their scientific interests to broaden Islamic law's scientific horizons.

    Al Syakhsiyyah Journal is committed to scientific transformation by opening easy access for every interested reader. All published articles can be accessed through our online platform at:

    Al Syakhsiyyah journal invites writers to submit their articles for Vol 6, No. 1 & 2, 2024. Submitted papers can cover multidisciplinary study topics on Islamic Law, particularly those related to Jurisprudence, Ushul Fqih, Islamic Law in various countries, Islamic family law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic civil law, and Islamic constitutional law.

  • InEJ: Indonesian Engagement Journal

    InEJ: Indonesian Engagement Journal is a biannual journal that published in June and December by the Institute for Research and Community Services of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Ponorogo. The journal is focus on the result of community services and activities by empowering the society through a participatory approach to reach the sustainable development. Since October 2022, InEJ has been accredited SINTA 5 by Ristekdikti No. 204/E/KPT/2022, which indicates that the journal meets the quality standards set by Ristekdikti and is nationally recognized as a reputable scholarly journal.

    Print ISSN: 2723-018X Online ISSN: 2723-0244 

  • INSECTA: Integrative Science Education and Teaching Activity Journal

    Integrative Science Education and Teaching Activity Journal [e-ISSN 2722-8495 | p-ISSN 2722-8509] is published by Jurusan Tadris IPA, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo as a medium to improve the creativity of teachers (especially science teacher), lecturers, academics, practitioners, researchers, relating to the science education and teaching activity. The Journal provides a peer-reviewed, academically rigorous and professionally recognized venue for the publication.

    This journal publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring internationally in Teaching Activity of Science Education. The Journal offers ways to improve the quality of science teaching activity in early childhood education, primary-secondary school, higher education, teacher professional development. In addition to original articles, the journal features the following special sections: 


    • Activity of science discussion: this is consisting of research that related about science material discussion activity in science learning process.
    • The teaching method of science: this is consisting of research that related about learning model, learning approach, learning strategy in science, etc.
    • Management of science teaching: this is consisting of research that related about technique in science teaching process in classroom, like arrangement the students’ seat when teaching process, how the arrangement of students’ condition at learning process.
    • Implication of science teaching activity: this is consisting of research that related about how the implication of teaching activity with learning method, ability of students that wanted after teaching activity.
    • Contribution of increasing science teaching activity: this is consisting of research that related about internal or external attitude of science, motivation, passion, and other aspect both, which can support science teaching.
    • Innovation product in science teaching: this is consisting of research that related about science teaching materials innovation, development of teaching media of science, technology innovation in science teaching media, and so on.

    The journal is published twice a year in May and November.


  • ASANKA : Journal of Social Science and Education

    Asanka: Journal of Social Science and Education [e-ISSN 2722-9998 | p-ISSN 2723-0007] is a journal research published by Jurusan Tadris Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Ponorogo. This journal first published in 2020 to facilitate the publication of research and articles. ASANKA accepts original scientific writings that have never been published in the field of social science, education, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies and literature reviews. The Journal issued biannually in March and September.

  • ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature

    ELTALL (English Language Teaching , Applied Linguistics and Literature) is a peer-reviewed professional journal with the editorial board of scholars mainly in applied linguistics, literature, and English language teaching (ELT). It is published by Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia. The journal seeks to disseminate research to educators around the world and is published twice a year in the months of March and September.

  • IJouGS: Indonesian Journal of Gender Studies

    IJouGS: Indonesian Journal of Gender Studies is a bilingual journal that published in June and December by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, IAIN Ponorogo. The Journal is focus on the result from researches and studies of gender equities or inequities through in civil society, culture, education, lenguange, religions etc.

    It's located at:

    LPPM IAIN Ponorogo, Jl. Pramuka, No.156, Ronowijayan, Siman, Ponorogo

    Contact us at: 085854981814 (Journal Manager)

    p-ISSN : 2745-7397

    e-ISSN : 2745-861X

  • QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication

    Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication is a journal that is published regularly every six months (June and December). Qaulan was acrredited by SINTA 5 since Vol 2 No 1 2021 until Vol 6 No 2 2025. Qaulan was published by Jurusan Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI), Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Ponorogo. The Qaulan Journal is  scientific publication space for researchers, writers, lecturers, academics, and communication practitioners in Indonesia and abroad.

    The Qaulan journal publishes various scientific papers resulting from conceptual thoughts and original ideas about Islamic communication, as well as research results on Islamic communication that have not been published in any media. The articles in the journal Qaulan are the author's original ideas, not acts of plagiarism. For the Qaulan journal, editors have the right to make revisions in the context of uniformity of format, terms, and footnotes without reducing and changing the content and intent of the author. The editorial address of the Qaulan Journal is Jl. Puspita Jaya Krajan Ponorogo Pintu Jenangan Ponorogo. Tel (0352) 481277. Fax (0352) 461893. Postcode 63492.

    E-ISSN: 2746-9808

    P-ISSN: 2746-9816

  • WISDOM: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

    Journal Description


    Journal title : WISDOM : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
    Short title : WISDOM
    Language : Indonesian & English
    Publication Frequency : 2 issues per year (June & December)
    Peer Review Process : Double-blind

    WISDOM: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini is a journal research published by Jurusan Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Ponorogo. WISDOM: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini is published regularly in June and December. WISDOM: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini accepts articles with studies related to early childhood education. 


    E ISSN : 2723-5491

    P ISSN : 2723-5483

  • ROSYADA: Islamic Guidance and Counseling

    Rosyada: Islamic Guidance and Counseling is a journal published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Da'wah IAIN Ponorogo. This journal is published twice a year, in June and December. Rosyada: Islamic Guidance and Counseling accepts scientific writings, conceptual thoughts and research results related to counseling, parenting, psychotherapy and Islamic psychology. Editor's address: Jln. Pramuka 156 Po Box 116 Ponorogo 63471 Phone (0352) 481277 Fax. (0352) 461893.


    P-ISSN : 2774-3969

    E-ISSN : 2774-8820

  • MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

    Ma'alim: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam [e-ISSN 2745-6285 | p-ISSN 2745-6293] is a journal research published by Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Ponorogo. This journal first published in 2020 to facilitate the publication of research and articles. MA'ALIM accepts original scientific writings that have never been published in the field of Islamic education, Islamic boarding system, and other themes on Islamic education studies, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies, and literature reviews. The Journal issued biannually in June and December. MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam is accredited by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia on June 2021 (Valid until Vol. 6 No. 2 2025).

  • Etihad: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance

    Etihad: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (every June and December) by the Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Ponorogo. Etihad is intended as a journal to publish articles on both conceptual ideas and the results of quantitative and qualitative research on Islamic banking and finance.

    P-ISSN 2807-730X
    E-ISSN 2807-6915

    It’s located at:

    Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Ponorogo
    Kampus II Jenangan Ponorogo Jawa Timur Indonesia 63492

    Telp. (0352) 3576565 Fax. (0352) 3591451 E-mail:

  • Journal of Islamic Philanthropy and Disaster (JOIPAD)

    JOIPAD is a journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Ponorogo. JOIPAD accepts original scientific writings that have never published in the field of development of zakat, waqf, and infaq management in Indonesia and the world as well as problems related to philanthropy and non-profit institutions, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies and literature reviews. It is located at: IAIN Ponorogo Kampus 2 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Jalan Puspita Jaya, Krajan, Pintu, Kec. Jenangan, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur (63492) Telp. (0352) 3576565 Fax. (0352) 3591451 E-mail:

    E-ISSN :2807-7113

    P-ISSN :2807-8071

  • Journal of Islamic Economics (JoIE)

    Journal of Islamic Economics (JoIE) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objectives is to publish original research papers related to the Indonesian and international economy, economics policies and business issues in Islamic perspective. This journal is also dedicated to disseminating the published articles freely for international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies. The journal welcomes author from any institutional backgrounds and accepts rigorous empirical research paper with any methods or approach that is relevant to the Indonesian economy and business context or content, as long as the research fits one of five salient disciplines: economics, business, management, finance or accounting, in Islamic perspective.

    JoIE is accredited (SINTA 5) by the General Director of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia since Volume 1 Issue 1 based on the Decree Number 177/E/KPT/2024

    P-ISSN 2807-7377
    E-ISSN 2807-7091

    It’s located at:

    Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Ponorogo
    Kampus II Jenangan Ponorogo Jawa Timur Indonesia 63492

    Telp. (0352) 3576565 Fax. (0352) 3591451 E-mail:

  • Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law

    The INVEST Journal of Sharia and Economic Law focuses on Sharia law's legal framework, prioritizing principles that promote human well-being and socioeconomic justice. It offers a platform for scholarly work that enriches global finance and economic discussions through the lens of Sharia principles. Utilizing the Philosophy/Maqashid, Historical, and Fiqh/Ijtihad integrate with normative and empirical law methodologies, the journal provides comprehensive insights into Sharia law and its implications for global economic transactions, fostering innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.

    The INVEST Journal of Sharia & Economic Law is an academic journal published by IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia, under the organization of the Sharia Faculty. It was first published in July 2021, and obtained both electronic (E-ISSN: 2776-4354) and printed (P-ISSN: 2776-4982) versions in April 2021. The SK ISSN was issued on April 26, 2021, for the electronic version and on April 28, 2021, for the printed version. The journal welcomes scientific contributions in the form of literary and fieldwork studies, which undergo a manuscript selection process, peer review, and editing proof. The INVEST Journal of Sharia and Economic Law is published twice a year (January–June and July–December) under a continuous publication model, meaning that articles are published individually as soon as they are ready without waiting for the completion of the full issue.

    Starting in 2025, the INVEST Journal of Sharia and Economic Law has accepted additional manuscript types beyond Original Research articles, including review articles, short reports or letters, case studies, and methodologies or methods. This expansion provides authors with more flexibility to present their research and encourages diverse contributions to enrich academic discussions on Sharia and economic law.

    All manuscripts must be written in English and follow the journal’s rigorous peer-review process to maintain high academic standards. Detailed submission guidelines for each article type are available on the journal website.

  • El-Dusturie

    El-Dusturie: Journal of Law and Legislation is a peer-reviewed journal with a double blind review system published by the Sharia Faculty of IAIN Ponorogo with the scope of Constitutional Law and State Administrative Law, especially in relation to Islamic state administration and the development of contemporary legal and political issues .

    Focus and Scope

    El-Dusturie: Journal of Law and Legislation is a peer-reviewed journal utilizing a double-blind review system. The scope of El-Dusturie includes:

    • Law (Constitutional Law, State Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, and Socio-Legal Jurisprudence)
    • Islamic law as it relates to state laws and regulations (Fiqh Siyasah, Islamic Political Thought, and Constitutional Law in Islam)
  • Dialektika: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya

    DIALEKTIKA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya , focuses on publishing research articles and current issues related to language, literature, and the instructor. The main objective of DIALEKTIKA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching (e-Journal) is to provide a platform for scholars, academics, lecturers, and researchers to share contemporary thoughts in their fields. The editor has reviewed all published articles. DIALEKTIKA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (e-Journal) accepts submissions of original articles that have not been published elsewhere or are being considered or processed for publication anywhere and do not display plagiarism. Prerequisites, standards, and manuscript formats are listed in the author's guidelines and templates. Submissions received will be reviewed by at least two reviewers before being published.

    DIALEKTIKA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (e-Journal) published by Indonesian Language Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, The State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo (IAIN Ponorogo), Indonesia. DIALEKTIKA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya published twice a year in June and December. Manuscript submissions are open throughout the year, but before submitting, make sure that the manuscript is in Indonesian and follows the focus and scope and the author's guidelines.

  • At-Tafasir: Journal of Quranic Studies and Contextual Tafsir

    At-Tafasir: Jurnal of Qur'anic Studies and Contextual Tafsir adalah jurnal yang memuat bidang penelitian tentang studi al-Qur'an dan Tafsir.

    Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember, yang diterbitkan oleh Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo yang dikelola oleh Jurusan Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah.

    Jurnal At-Tafasir menerima artikel yang berbahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris. 

  • Aksaradinar: Journal of Research in Accounting and Governance

    Aksaradinar: Journal of Research in Accounting and Governance is a well-regarded, biannual, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Sharia Accounting at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, in June and December. Aksaradinar focuses on disseminating articles that significantly contribute to the development of accounting and governance practices and the accounting profession, both within Indonesia and globally.

    Managed by an esteemed editorial board, Aksaradinar upholds a stringent peer-review process to ensure the quality and integrity of its published research. We encourage submissions from academics, practitioners, researchers, regulators, students, and other stakeholders who are interested in advancing the field of accounting. The journal accepts a wide range of topics within accounting and finance, including sharia accounting financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, taxation, corporate finance and governance. Submissions are welcome in English, making the journal accessible to a global audience.