INSECTA: Integrative Science Education and Teaching Activity Journal 2023-12-01T05:22:17+07:00 Wirawan Fadly Open Journal Systems <p><img src="/public/site/images/hanin/cover_book3.png" alt="" height="260" align="left"></p> <p><strong>Integrative Science Education and Teaching Activity Journal</strong>&nbsp;[e-ISSN <a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-8495</a> | p-ISSN <a title="p-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-8509</a>]&nbsp;is published by Jurusan Tadris IPA, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo as a medium to improve the creativity of teachers (especially science teacher), lecturers, academics, practitioners, researchers, relating to the science education and teaching activity.&nbsp;The Journal provides a peer-reviewed, academically rigorous and professionally recognized venue for the publication.</p> <p>This journal publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring internationally in&nbsp;<strong>Teaching Activity of Science Education</strong>.&nbsp;The Journal offers ways to improve the quality of science teaching activity in early childhood education, primary-secondary school, higher education, teacher professional development. In addition to original articles, the journal features the following special sections:&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li class="show">Activity of science discussion: this is consisting of research that related about science material discussion activity in science learning process.</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="show">The teaching method of science: this is consisting of research that related about learning model, learning approach, learning strategy in science, etc.</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="show">Management of science teaching: this is consisting of research that related about technique in science teaching process in classroom, like arrangement the students’ seat when teaching process, how the arrangement of students’ condition at learning process.</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="show">Implication of science teaching activity: this is consisting of research that related about how the implication of teaching activity with learning method, ability of students that wanted after teaching activity.</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="show">Contribution of increasing science teaching activity: this is consisting of research that related about internal or external attitude of science, motivation, passion, and other aspect both, which can support science teaching.</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="show">Innovation product in science teaching: this is consisting of research that related about science teaching materials innovation, development of teaching media of science, technology innovation in science teaching media, and so on.</li> </ul> <p>The journal is published twice a year in <strong>May</strong> and <strong>November</strong>.</p> <p>&nbsp;<a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/hanin/15928916103.png" alt="" align="right"></a><a title="p-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/hanin/15928924912.png" alt="" align="right"></a></p> PERCEPTIONS OF PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS ON BASIC COMPETENCIES IN SCIENCE AT MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH 2023-11-30T18:54:28+07:00 Nur Wakhidah Erman Erman Novia Anugra <p>Professional teachers have personality competencies, pedagogical, social and professional competencies. One indicator of a professional teacher is if the prospective teacher masters the basic competencies (BC) of the subject being taught. Mastery of BC in the curriculum is very important, so that prospective teachers can plan learning by describing BC into indicators and learning objectives. The depth and breadth of the material available determines the teacher's ability to understand these competencies. Quantitative descriptive research using survey techniques (46 respondents) was conducted to analyze prospective teachers' perceptions of BC which includes cognitive competence and skills competence. The research steps began with preparing a questionnaire in Google Forms (50 Questions) which had been validated by science education experts. Questionnaires were distributed to prospective teachers. Data was analyzed using percentages. The research results showed that prospective madrasa teachers stated that BC skills were more difficult to understand and teach than cognitive BC. The most difficult BC to understand and teach to students in class IV is material about life cycles. In class V, the most difficult are single substances and mixtures. The most challenging material for prospective teachers to understand and teach in class VI is electricity.</p> 2023-11-30T01:51:28+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Wakhidah, Erman, Novia Anugra ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ MISCONCEPTION PROFILE ON HUMAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM MATERIAL USING FOUR-TIER DIAGNOSTIC TEST 2023-12-01T04:15:29+07:00 Vyra Garmyta Utamy Laily Rosdiana <p>In science subjects, the material of the human respiratory system is widely misconceived by students. These students' misconceptions need to be identified because it may cause students to have difficulty connecting old concepts with new concepts. Based on this, a study was conducted to determine the students' misconception profile on the material of the respiratory system. This research method uses descriptive methods with a quantitative approach. This study involved 90 students of class VIII in Driyorejo District. The instrument used in this study was a four-tier diagnostic test with total 20 questions related to human respiratory system.. The results show that students in junior high schools in Driyorejo District experience 52% misconceptions which is categorized as moderate. Misconceptions occur in all concepts of respiratory system material with the highest percentage of misconceptions in the concept of respiratory frequency which is misconceived by 62% of SMP 5 YPM students.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Vyra Garmyta Utamy, Laily Rosdiana QUARTET LEARNING MEDIA AND STUDENT ARGUMENTATION: DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS AND CORRELATION IN SCIENCE LEARNING IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS 2023-11-30T18:54:28+07:00 Nur Asa Qolbyatin Kiki Septaria Siska Ayu Wulandari <p>Argumentation is essential in scientific learning activities because it helps students grasp concepts and apply their knowledge in real-life situations by presenting the same notion in multiple settings. The purpose of this study is to investigate students' scientific argumentation skills using a science quartet educational game. The Research and Development approach is used in this study, along with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model phases. This study's sample consisted of class VIIIB students from SMPN 2 Sugio, with a small group trial of 15 students and a large group test of 32 students, for a total of 47 individuals. Techniques for gathering data include observation, testing, and surveys. This study included four specialists: media experts, practitioners, material experts, and linguists. The validity test, N-gain, t-test, and correlation were used to examine the data. The validity test findings demonstrated the practicality of the scientific quartet educational game with percentages of 86% and 100%, indicating extremely valid categories. The science educational game quartet had an influence on students' scientific arguments with a significant value of 0.05, as indicated by an increase in the cognitive N-gain test results and students' scientific arguments by 0.75 (high category) after evaluating the paired sample t-test. The correlation test findings revealed a link between the science quartet educational game and students' science arguments with a significance value of 0.05, placing it in the strong positive category. The findings of the study show that science quartet educational game are useful in the learning process.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Asa Qolbyatin, Kiki Septaria, Siska Ayu Wulandari FACTORS AFFECTING THE ABILITY OF SCIENCE PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IN INDONESIA 2023-11-30T18:54:28+07:00 Mohamad Syarif Sumantri Firmanul Catur Wibowo <p>This study aims to obtain information on the effect of attitudes towards science, achievement motivation and learning activities on science learning outcomes. This research has been conducted in the elementary school teacher education institutions in Jakarta, Bogor and Tangerang District, Indonesia. In this study, 200 samples were randomly selected, and data was collected through a survey. The respondents were the students who took the science course. This study used quantitative approach, survey methods, and path analysis. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, analysis of the requirement test, and inferential analysis. The research findings indicate: 1) science learning outcomes are positively influenced directly by attitudes towards science, achievement motivation and learning activities, 2). learning activities are directly influenced positively by attitudes towards science and achievement motivation. on these findings, it can be concluded that the increase in science learning outcomes is influenced by attitudes towards science, achievement motivation and learning activities.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Firmanul Catur Wibowo THE INFLUENCE OF THE BRITISH STYLE DEBATE LEARNING MODEL BASED ON LOGICAL INFERENCE IN ENHANCING STUDENTS' SCIENTIFIC THINKING ABILITIES 2023-11-30T18:54:28+07:00 Andre Nurul Maghribi Aristiawan Aristiawan <p>Science education should be able to help students acquire scientific thinking skills. However, the reality in the field shows that the average value of students' scientific thinking is only 65.35%, which is classified as moderate. to overcome this problem, the implementation of the English Style Debate Learning model based on logical reasoning was introduced to students. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the implementation of this model on students at SMPN 1 Sambit, Ponorogo. the research method used is quantitative with experimental type. The research design used was quasi-experimental design. the sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. The one-tailed t-test results showed that students' scientific thinking skills when using the logical inference-based English Style Debate Learning model were superior to their skills when using the Generative Learning model. Overall, students who were treated with the logical inference-based English-style debate learning model obtained an average score of 86.1. The results of this study are expected to be able to elaborate scientific thinking problems and become a reference for the application of innovative and fun learning models.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andre Nurul Maghribi, Aristiawan DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED ETHNOSCIENCE EDUCATIVE MAGAZINE IN THE THEME OF MADURA BAMBOO SHELLS PASTE 2023-11-30T18:54:28+07:00 Imroatun Nadifah Aida Fikriyah Mochammad Ahied Wiwin Puspita Hadi Mochammad Yasir Science learning that integrates with local wisdom will make learning run well and meaningfull. This can be realized by developing teaching materials in the form of an educative magazine integrated with ethnoscience on the theme of Madura bamboo shells paste. The purpose of this study was to produce educative magazines and to determine the level of validity, readability of students, and students' responses to the teaching materials developed. This type of research is development using the ADDIE model. The instruments used were media expert validation sheets, material experts, science teachers, readability questionnaires and student responses. The trials carried out were individual trials, small group trials and large group trials. 1) The results showed that the validity of the media aspect was 88.33% and the material aspect was 98.61% with a very valid category. 2) The readability of the students obtained a score in the large group trial, namely 82.32% in the very good category. 3) Student responses obtained a percentage value in the large group trial, namely 85.70% in the very good category. This data shows that flipbook-based educative magazines integrated with ethnoscience on the theme of Madura bamboo shells paste are appropriate for science learning. 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Imroatun Nadifah, Aida Fikriyah, Mochammad Ahied, Wiwin Puspita Hadi, Mochammad Yasir THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SOCIO-SCIENTIFIC BASED CIRC (COOPERATIVE, INTEGRATED, READING AND COMPOSITION) MODEL ON STUDENTS' CURIOSITY 2023-11-30T18:54:28+07:00 Nita Elia Hayawati Ulinnuha Nur Faizah <span lang="FI">One of the characters that must be developed in students is curiosity, namely the desire to know more deeply and broadly about something that is learned, seen or heard. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the socio-scientific based CIRC model on Students’ Curiosity. The CIRC model is cooperative learning that integrates reading and writing activities using a socio-scientific approach which is new to research. This research uses a quasi-experimental quantitative method. The sample consisted of 25 students as the experimental class and 25 students as the control class. Data collection techniques use tests and observation sheets which are analyzed descriptively quantitatively and inferential statistics. The results of the independent sample t-test produce a P-Value of 0.000, if the P-Value &lt;α = 5% (0.05), then H0 is rejected, meaning there is a significant difference between the curiosity of experimental class and control class students. The results of the one tailed t-test produced a P-Value of 0.000 so that H0 was rejected and the estimated value for difference was 10.80, so the curiosity of experimental class students was better than that of the control class. The ANCOVA test shows a significance of 0.000&lt;α=(0.05), meaning that the socio-scientific based CIRC model is declared effective in increasing curiosity. It can be concluded that the curiosity of students who use the socio-scientific based CIRC model is more effective than those who use the socio-scientific based non CIRC model.</span> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nita Elia Hayawati, Ulinnuha Nur Faizah IMPLEMENTING SCIENTIFIC METHOD TO STRENGTHEN THE STUDENT'S SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDE: A STUDY ON BIOLOGY SUBJECT 2023-12-01T04:10:53+07:00 Seyha Chheun Sam Ol Kong <p>The scientific method was actually defined in many different ways up to the contextual of learning. This study is to implementing scientific method to strengthen the scientific attitude: A case study of Class 8 students in the subject of Biology. The main objective of this research is on how the implementation of Scientific Method affects scientific attitude of grade 8 students in Biology. The samples of this study involved with18 students for observation and 3 students for interviewing. The students were chosen from class8 for data collection. The data analyzing in this research was used Thematic Analysis method with the variation of observation. Based on the observation, the students were not familiar with the scientific method yet at the first time of class compared with the last observation, students processed activities at higher level. All of the criteria of scientific attitudes were contributed. Moreover, the result from interview is supported to the improvement of students’ scientific attitudes by implementing scientific method. Therefore, it can be concluded that, the implementation of scientific method imposed scientific attitudes in the classroom. The findings identified that scientific method strengthen students' scientific attitude toward learning such as: curiosity, honesty and objectivity, critical resonating, open minded and cooperation, and responsibility. The further research should apply scientific method for a longer period to make students to be familiar with the method. Moreover, the researcher should spend more time observing or interviewing teachers to get the result more accurately.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Seyha Chheun, Sam Ol Kong FOSTERING STUDENTS’ CONCEPT MASTERY THROUGH STEM-ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS IN THERMAL ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER TOPIC 2023-12-01T05:22:17+07:00 Aisyah Nurul Hasanah Purnama Nanang Winarno Eka Cahya Prima Nur Jahan Ahmad This study aims to investigate the effect of STEM-EDP on students' concept mastery in thermal energy and heat transfer topic. Employing a quasi-experimental design, the study incorporates pretest and posttest across both an experiment class and a control class. The Experimental class using the STEM-EDP while control class using the conventional as the learning approach. The study encompasses 35 seventh-grade students for each class from one of Junior High School in Bandung, Indonesia. The instruments include an objective test that spans cognitive levels from C1 to C5 based on the Bloom Taxonomy. The result shows that there are significant differences between experimental and control class in both concept mastery. This is evident from the p-values of 0.03 in independent t-test results for concept mastery. In terms of improvement, the N-Gain of experiment class for concept mastery stands at 0.22, characterizing a low improvement. While, the N-gain of control class is 0.08, also characterizing as a low improvement. In light of these outcomes, it is reasonable to consider STEM-EDP as a valuable pedagogical approach within Junior High School in fostering a deeper understanding of scientific concepts especially in thermal energy and heat transfer topic. 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Aisyah Nurul Hasanah Purnama, Nanang Winarno, Eka Cahya Prima, Nur Jahan Ahmad APPLICATION OF THE INQUIRY BASED ICARE LEARNING MODEL TOWARD COGNITIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES ON SALT HYDROLYSIS MATERIAL 2023-11-30T18:54:28+07:00 Sakina Elok Sabila Fatkhi Mar'attus Solihah The implementation of chemistry learning that is teacher centered and the lessons are in the last hour making students lack concentrated so that it is difficult to understand the material delivered by the teacher, one of which is salt hydrolysis. This makes the test results of many students who have not reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) of the school is 70. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out differences in cognitive learning outcomes between students SMA N 01 Godong who used the inquiry-based ICARE model and the conventional model on salt hydrolysis material after being controlled by initial abilitiy (pre test). This study used a randomized pretest-posttest control group design and cluster random sampling. Data collection techniques using tests, observation, documentation, and interviews. The research data were analyzed using covariance analysis (anakova). Based on the results of the study, it was found that there were differences in cognitive learning outcomes that significant between the application of the inquiry-based ICARE learning model with conventional models after controlling the initial ability (pre-test) indicated from the sig value. 0.000. The value is smaller from 0.05 so that Ha of the study was accepted. The results can be concluded that the inquiry-based ICARE learning model can be used to make students' cognitive learning outcomes better than conventional learning models. 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sakina Elok Sabila Fatkhi, Mar'attus Solihah