MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 2024-01-02T02:35:56+07:00 Kharisul Wathoni [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Ma'alim: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam [e-ISSN 2745-6285 | p-ISSN 2745-6293] is a journal research published by Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAIN Ponorogo. This journal was first published in 2020 to facilitate the publication of research and articles. Ma'alim: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam accepts original scientific writings that have never been published in the field of Islamic education, Islamic boarding system, and other themes on Islamic education studies, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies, and literature reviews. The Journal issued biannually in June and December.</p> <p>Ma'alim: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam&nbsp;is accredited by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia&nbsp;on June 2021&nbsp;<strong>(Valid </strong><strong>until Vol. 6 No. 2 2025)</strong></p> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> Strategi Membangun Brand Image Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren (Studi di SMA Syubbanol Wathon Secang Magelang) 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Riza Zahriyal Falah [email protected] Ichwanul Muchlisin [email protected] Dewi Indriyani [email protected] Vicky Ulyahimawati [email protected] Muhammad Mafaza Bihadil Haq [email protected] <em>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi brand image yang dilakukan oleh SMA Syubbanul Wathon Secang Magelang, media promosinya dan manajemen sekolahnya yang berbasis pesantren.</em> <em>Persaingan antar lembaga Pendidikan, terutama pada lembaga pendidikan formal, membuat lembaga selalu melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas lembaga, untuk memiliki image yang baik dikalangan masyarakat dan pengguna lulusan/alumni.</em> <em>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualiltatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian dalah guru yang terdiri dari dari guru SMA Syubbanul Wathon dan guru di lingkungan pesantren Syubbanul Wathon tempat siswa tinggal. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa reduksi data, display/penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitain menunjukkan bahwa SMA Syubbanol Wathon sudah menerapkan strategi branding dengan cara menggunakan peran alumni,melengkapi fasilitas sekolah,memenuhi SDM pendidik maupun peserta didik,biaya sekolah yang terjangkau dan adanya kegiatan ekstrakulikuler yang menunjang minat bakat siswa. Media publikasinya menggunakan peran alumni,sosialiasasi dan media sosial (Instagram,Tiktok,Website dan Twitter). Manajemen sekolah berbasis pesantren yang dilaksanakan di SMA Syubbanul Wathon dilaksanakan secara kolaboratif antara guru SMA dan pengurus pesantren dengan bentuk penataan jadwal, penyelarasan materi dan metode pembelajaran, pengawasan dan pembinaan secara bersama-sama, dan bentuk kegiatan yang saling menunjang.</em> 2023-12-29T08:54:51+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Nilai-nilai Ketawadhuan dalam Tradisi Pesantren Ar-Risalah Bandung untuk Pengembangan Kultur Religius Sekolah 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Muhammad Alif Anugrah Mungaran [email protected] Wawan Hermawan [email protected] Agus Fakhruddin [email protected] Nowadays the religious culture in schools is starting to fade, one of which is regarding the fading of the school's religious culture in the form of humility which is marked by the emergence of the phenomenon of students committing acts of violence against teachers because they do not accept being reprimanded for their actions. In another phenomenon, it was found that students did not respect the teacher during the learning process. This research was conducted at the Ar-risalah Islamic boarding school in Bandung with the aim of describing how the values of laughter in the pesantren tradition are to be developed in the school's religious culture. This research is very important to neutralize humble attitude in public schools so that it becomes a positive tradition. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method. To obtain detailed information about the tradition of the values of humility in Islamic boarding schools, researchers used participatory observation. Data were collected from observations, interviews and documentation of pesantren leaders, teachers, santri supervisors and santri. The results of the study show that the values of humility are practiced in various forms in the daily life of students and each contains a basis and meaning based on Islamic teaching sources so that they can be adapted to public schools in developing a school religious culture in the form of students not leaving class or gathering before the teacher comes out first, students are accustomed to kissing the teacher's hand, students stand up and bow their heads. When a teacher wants to pass, students invite the teacher to lead first, and students respect the teacher. 2023-12-29T08:59:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Permainan pada Mata Kuliah Agama Islam di AKN Putra Sang Fajar Blitar Menggunakan Model 4-D Thiagarajan 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Muchamad Saiful Muluk [email protected] Ibnu Athaillah [email protected] Learning theoretical subjects at Vocational Colleges (PTV) is very identical to practice, but has its own challenges, including the general basic subjects (MKDU) of Islamic Religion. The problem with Islamic religious education in higher education, apart from the curriculum, teacher competency, differences in the quality of student understanding, and scientific dichotomy, is that there is also a very small learning portion (around 2 credits) from other subjects. This condition requires creative innovation, one of which is the development of game-based learning. This research focuses on developing a game-based learning method with Thiagarajan 4D model on Muslim Personality material which consists of 4 stages, namely defining, designing, developing and disseminating. Research data was collected by interviews, observation and documentation. The design of this game-based learning method has been validated by material and game experts, tested on a small scale and implemented in classrooms. Based on the validation results from material experts and game experts, the results showed that game-based learning designs are very suitable for use. The results of small-scale trials and implementation in classrooms show that students are enthusiastic, actively discussing, asking and answering, confident, and eager to participate in learning without feeling sleepy. Game-based learning methods can be used as an effective way to teach theory courses. 2023-12-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Internalisasi Nilai-nilai Islam Moderat dalam Proses Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Muhammad Heriyudanta [email protected] Tujuan penelitian ini, pertama, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis nilai-nilai Islam moderat. Kedua, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana nilai-nilai Islam moderat diinternalisasikan dalam proses pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Data diambil dari berbagai sumber literatur ilmiah seperti buku, jurnal, dan berbagai jenis karya ilmiah yang relevan dengan kajian penelitian. Sedangkan pendekatannya menggunakan pendekatan filosofis. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, Pertama, nilai-nilai Islam moderat meliputi tawassuth, tawazun, i'tidal, tasamuh, musawah, syura, islah, awlawiyah, qudwah, tahadur, dan sebagainya. Kedua, penyisipan nilai-nilai Islam moderat dalam lembaga pendidikan Indonesia dilakukan dengan membangun lingkungan pendidikan moderat dengan menghadirkan guru dan tenaga kependidikan yang moderat. Selain itu, penyisipan nilai-nilai Islam moderat yang kedua dapat dilakukan melalui kurikulum pendidikan Islam yang menjadi acuan dalam proses pembelajaran sehari-hari di lingkungan lembaga pendidikan Islam. Misalnya memasukkan nilai-nilai Islam moderat melalui tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. 2023-12-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Spesifikasi Konsep Evaluasi pada Pengembangan Teknik Assesmen Kompetensi Sikap terhadap Pembelajaran PAI di SMP 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Durrotun Nafisah [email protected] Moh. Sahlan [email protected] <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui evaluasi, ruang lingkup pengembangan assessment kompetensi sikap terhadap pembelajaran PAI di SMP. Penilaian sikap tersebut memiliki beberapa teknik yang meliputi aspek spiritual dan sosial. Beberapa teknik tersebut diantaranya ialah teknik observasi, penilaian diri, penilaian teman sejawat, dan jurnal yang ditulis oleh guru. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan segala informasi mengenai aspek-aspek yang mendukung penelitian baik dari sumber naskah-naskah dan beberapa realitas. Alat-alat yang digunakan adalah informasi dari kegiatan pengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti pada SMP serta sumber referensi dari berbagai penelitian jurnal, skripsi, artikel ilmiah atau teks ilmiah yang berhubungan dengan judul penelitian yang dilakukan. Ada dua macam sumber dalam penelitian ini yakni sumber primer berupa hasil penelitian. Kedua ialah sumber sekunder, dimana sumber berasal dari sumber-sumber internet, artikel ilmiah, buku ataupun naskah dan lain sebagainya. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yakni penilaian terhadap kompetensi sikap pada pembelajaran PAI memiliki beberapa teknik yang diperlukan. Diantaranya, observasi, yakni hal yang menjadi kebutuhan pendidik. Artinya, pendidik melakukan pengamatan terhadap sikap yang menjadi kebiasaan peserta didik. Kedua, penilaian antar-teman yang mengetahui keseharian peserta didik karena teman ialah seseorang yang ditemui setiap harinya dan mengetahui karakter teman lainnya. Kemudian, penilaian diri untuk mengimplementasikan nilai kejujuran yang dibangun untuk menjadi identitas yang melekat terhadap peserta didik tersebut. Dan terakhir ialah jurnal guru<strong>. </strong>Hal tersebut dilakukan terhadap aspek sosial dan spiritual peserta didik.</p> 2023-12-29T09:14:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Intensification of Personality Competence and Professionalism of PAI Teachers In The Lessoning Process 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Laily Rachma Handayani [email protected] David Maulana Ghufron [email protected] Aang Kunaepi [email protected] <p>This research was conducted with the aim of knowing in depth about the personality competence and professional competence that a teacher must have. In addition, this study also discusses how efforts can be made to improve the professionalism and personality of teachers in order to support the learning process well so that it can achieve the learning objectives desired by the school/madrasa. This research is a qualitative research with a data collection process through literature study. The data analysis process in this study adopted from Miles and Hubermen. While data validity uses triangulation techniques. The results showed that the essence of a PAI teacher is how a teacher can lead his students to become a caliph on earth as well as a servant of Allah through a learning process that is in accordance with Islamic law. To be able to achieve this, a teacher needs to equip himself with various competencies, one of which is personality competence and professional competence. Personality competence must be owned by the teacher because it is the teacher who must be a role model and a good example for his students. While professional competence is needed so that a teacher can manage and organise the class and can convey knowledge effectively and efficiently. So that in order to achieve these competencies, teachers are required to attend training and upgrading that can improve the quality of teacher performance.</p> 2023-12-29T09:25:02+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Inculcating Islamic Religious Values to Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Between Challenge and Effort 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Siti Rohmaturrosyidah Ratnawati [email protected] Fata Asyrofi Yahya [email protected] This research aims to discuss the challenges of PAI teachers in teaching and inculcating Islamic religious values to students and what efforts they made to maximize the process of inculcating Islamic values to students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ponorogo Regency, East Java. A qualitative descriptive approach was used, while the data were collected through interviews and observation. The results showed that: 1) among the challenges faced by PAI teachers in inculcating Islamic religious values in students were the ineffective process of inculcating values to students due to time and distance limitations as a result of the prohibition of holding offline classes, the unpreparedness of many parties such as teachers, students, and parents in facing the change during the COVID-19 pandemic, and technology's inability to replace the teacher's role as values inculcator fully; 2) To maximize the process of inculcating Islamic religion values to students, the PAI teachers have tried to work together with parents and the community to take part in it so that the role and synergy of "tri pusat pendidikan" (three education centers), namely school, family and community education are truly revitalized. 2023-12-29T09:27:49+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Studi Komparasi Kepemimpinan Kiai dan Direktur di Pondok Pesantren dan Boarding School 2024-01-02T02:35:56+07:00 Mahathir Akbar [email protected] Dedi Djubaedi [email protected] Suyadi Suyadi [email protected] <p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong></strong></p><p>Artikel ini membahas tentang kepemimpinan kiai di dua pondok pesantren di Kota Cirebon. Difokuskan pada sistem pemilihan kiai di pesantren, model kepemimpinan yang dikembangkan oleh kiai, efektifitasnya, dan peran kiai di masyarakat. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di dua pesantren, ditemukan bahwa pola kepemimpinan di pesantren di Kota Cirebon berbeda. Pemilihan didasarkan pada diskusi, keturunan, dan penunjukan pemerintah. Namun secara umum sistem pemilihan pimpinan yang berkembang di pesantren-pesantren di Kota Cirebon diketahui bahwa ada dua, yaitu sistem musyawarah dan pengajuan; dan sistem keturunan (nasab). Dari kedua sistem pemilihan tersebut, tentu memiliki karakteristik serta nilai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing. Sedangkan tipe kepemimpinan yang dianut pada Pondok pesantren atau <em>boarding school </em>di Kota Cirebon mencakup dua tipe kepemimpinan, yaitu Kepemimpinan Paternalisitik dan Birokratik. Kedua tipe kepemimpinan tersebut sebenarnya tidak terlepas dari sistem pemilihan yang dilakukan.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : <em>Pondok </em><em>Pesantren, Boarding School, Kiai, Model Kepemimpinan</em></strong></p> 2023-12-29T09:30:39+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Critical Thinking pada Materi Nafsu Syahwat dan Ghadlab 2023-12-29T09:44:12+07:00 Retno Widyaningrum [email protected] Leni Nurul Izzati [email protected] <em><span lang="IN">Student Worksheet are one of the teaching materials that are the teacher's choice. Student Worksheet can facilitate the delivery of messages from teachers to students, improve the ability to think, feel, pay attention, increase students' interest in learning, and the learning process run as expected. Based on the results of review at MA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo in learning activities the teaching materials used were printed teaching materials available in schools. Assignments given to students based on textbooks used during the learning process. Student Worksheet cannot be fully implemented, whereas if using Student Worksheet in learning activities, the Student Worksheet used is still in a simple form containing only questions that must be worked on by students. This study aims to: (1) Determine the feasibility of Student Worksheet based on Critical Thinking on Lust and Ghadlab materials. (2) Knowing students' responses to Critical Thinking-based Student Worksheet on Lust and Ghadlab materials. (3) Knowing the effectiveness of Student Worksheet based on Critical Thinking on Lust and Ghadlab materials.</span><span lang="IN">This type of research uses a development research methodology (Research and Development/ RND). With reference to the ADDIE research model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The subjects of data collection in this study were 3 validators and class X students of MA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo. The research instruments were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and test. The results of the study show that: (1) LKPD based on Critical Thinking is declared valid after repair or revision. LKPD has met the criteria according to the Aiken's V test and obtained a validation coefficient of 1.00. So that LKPD based on Critical Thinking is suitable for use in learning. (2) LKPD based on Critical Thinking gets a good response from students with an average response value of 15% of students answering quite agree, 31% answering agree, and 60% answering strongly agree, then student responses to LKPD based on Critical Thinking categorized as good. (3) LKPD based on Critical Thinking is effectively used in learning. In the results of the Paired T Test the significance generated is 0.000 and the N Gain test results obtain an average value of 0.6107, the level of effectiveness of LKPD based on Critical Thinking is categorized as moderate.</span></em> 2023-12-29T09:36:34+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Pembinaan Karakter Religius Peserta Didik Melalui Budaya Sekolah di SMAN 2 Ponorogo 2023-12-29T09:44:53+07:00 Mambaul Ngadhimah [email protected] Abdurrahman Ali Ramdhani [email protected] Abdul Wachid [email protected] Abdun Nafi’ [email protected] Abdi Wibowo [email protected] School culture is a routine, programmed activity organized by the school. Religious character is one of the important characteristics that students must have to prevent moral degradation by increasing religious awareness, where state public schools tend to be synonymous with not providing many religious activities compared to schools with a religious standard such as madrasas or Islamic boarding schools. However, SMAN 2 Ponorogo can prove that school culture can have a good impact on efforts to develop students' religious character even though they do not provide as much religious learning as in madrasas or Islamic boarding schools. This research aims to identify school culture, the development of religious character through school culture and its impact on the development of students' religious character. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used consists of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that the development of students' religious character at SMA Negeri 2 Ponorogo is carried out programmatically through school culture, namely: (1) Routine Friday activities; (2) Islamic religious literacy; (3) Khatmil Qur'an; (4) Social services and compensation for orphans; (5) Dhuhur prayer in congregation; (6) Friday prayers; (7) Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School. The existence of a school culture, especially in efforts to develop religious character, can provide development of divine values and human values, so that it can have a good impact on improving the religious character of students. This is proven by the finding that students have awareness and independence in applying religious values both from divine values and human values such as the practice of religious fiqh, independent dhuha prayers, congregational prayers, recitations of the Qur'an, spiritual improvement , emotional and social during the month of Ramadan, have a spirit of generosity and like to give alms which is a form of social concern where they can apply these things in their daily lives while studying at school, outside school, even after they graduate and become alumni of school. 2023-12-29T09:43:47+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam