Membandingkan Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL) dan Ganescha Digital Library (GDL)

  • Zuhdy Tafqihan STAIN Ponorogo
Abstract views: 318 , PDF downloads: 539
Keywords: Digital Library, GDL, GSDL


Using digital library software should consider several things. For information providers (read; library), ease of installation and maintenance of a software deserves attenttion because the human resources (HR) that can controls the information and communication technology is still very limited. For information seekers (read: library user), a software capability in providing the most appropriate source of information about what he wants is a primary consideration. Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL) and Ganescha Digital Library (GDL) are two devices that decent alternatives to link these two desires.

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How to Cite
Tafqihan, Z. (2010). Membandingkan Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL) dan Ganescha Digital Library (GDL). Pustakaloka, 2(1), 105-130.