QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Asna Istya Marwantika Open Journal Systems <p><strong><img src="/ojs/public/site/images/asna/homepageImage_en_US.png" alt="" />Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication</strong> is a journal that is published regularly every six months (June and December). Qaulan was published by Jurusan Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI), Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Ponorogo. The Qaulan Journal is scientific publication space for researchers, writers, lecturers, academics, and communication practitioners in Indonesia and abroad.</p><p>The Qaulan journal publishes various scientific papers resulting from conceptual thoughts and original ideas about Islamic communication as well as research results on Islamic communication that have not been published in any media. The articles in the journal Qaulan are the author's original ideas, not acts of plagiarism. For the Qaulan journal, editors have the right to make revisions in the context of uniformity of format, terms, and footnotes without reducing and changing the content and intent of the author. The editorial address of the Qaulan Journal is Jl. Puspita Jaya Krajan Ponorogo Pintu Jenangan Ponorogo. Tel (0352) 481277. Fax (0352) 461893. Postcode 63492.<br /><br />E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank">2746-9808</a><br /><br />P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank">2746-9816</a></p> SPEECH STYLE USED BY SETO MULYADI IN ISLAMIC DA’WAH 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Firdaus Ditya Pamungkas Speech is a fundamental component of human communication, and it is shaped by a multitude of factors, leading to the emergence of various speech styles. Speech style is a type of communicative style that is determined by an intuitive understanding of the levels of familiarity or intimacy between individuals. These variations in speech style can be influenced by cultural, social, and situational factors, which contribute to the richness and diversity of human communication. This study aimed to explore speech style used by Seto Mulyadi Islamic da’wah in Tarawih sermon at Mosque of Gajah Mada University in 2023. Seto Mulyadi is a child psychologist and was the chairman of National Commission for Child Protection of Indonesia who tends to speak in story telling way. This research used qualitative descriptive method as foundation in conducting research. The research data consists of script of Seto Mulyadi's video speech from Youtube. The data analysis process involves four steps: data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Based on finding, there are frozen style, formal style, consultative style, and casual style occurred in Seto Mulyadi’s utterances. Formal style is the most occurrence speech style in his speech. Furthermore, the personal background of Seto Mulyadi and the recipients of the message also influence variation of his speech style. 2023-12-11T05:24:10+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication Dynamics of Da'wah in Southeast Asia in the Digital Era 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Suci Elsa Maria Abraham Zakky Zulhazmi Recent developments in da'wah show positive and progressive dynamics, including in Southeast Asia. This condition is supported by the very massive growth of digital media. This article aims to analyze the dynamics of da'wah in Southeast Asia, especially in the digital era. As a region, Southeast Asia has its own characteristics, giving it a distinctive style of preaching. Southeast Asian people are known to be friendly, moderate and religiously tolerant. This research is descriptive qualitative research and library research. The conclusion of this research is that the potential of Islam in Southeast Asia is not merely a numerical power as the largest Muslim community, namely one-fifth of Muslims worldwide and its geopolitical strength. Furthermore, the roots of moderate and pluralistic Islamic life in Southeast Asia which have long historical roots have demonstrated the promising potential of this region. Da'wah in Southeast Asia should be the prototype of global da'wah. Da'wah in Southeast Asia has characteristics that are accommodative to local culture and anti-violence. Moderate and tolerant da'wah in Southeast Asia has reflected the teachings of the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet, and has proven effective in inculcating Islamic values in society at large. 2023-12-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION IN THE RECOVERY EFFORTS OF MENTALLY ILL STUDENTS AT THE BOARDING SCHOOL CONDROMOWO 2 NGAWI DISTRICT 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Anisa Nuraini Maratu Sholihah Iswahyudi Iswahyudi <p>The purpose of this article is to find out the form of interpersonal communication in the recovery efforts of mentally ill students at Condromowo 2 Islamic Boarding School and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the recovery process of mentally ill students. The method used in this article is descriptive qualitative method with data collection through interviews, observation, documentation, and literature research. The results of this analysis show that there are five forms of interpersonal communication in the recovery efforts of mentally ill students, namely dialogue, sharing, interviews, counseling, and spiritual therapy. In the process of dialoguing with students, there is one-way communication, two-way communication, the use of verbal language, and the use of non-verbal language. Sharing occurs when students already have trust in the rehabilitation sector administrators. The interview occurs when the santri are not clear about their problems, thus encouraging the administrators to ask deeper questions. Counseling is done by providing solutions to the problems experienced by students. As for spiritual therapy using alternative wirid, reciting the Koran, reading sholawat, and praying in congregation five times. The supporting factors contained in the interpersonal communication process between rehabilitation administrators and mentally ill students can be divided into three, namely supporting factors from the communicator's angle, supporting factors from the communicator's angle, and supporting factors from the message angle. The obstacles that occur during the recovery process of mentally ill students are process, semantic, and psychological obstacles. <strong></strong></p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication REPORTING ON SEXUAL VIOLENCE CASES AT THE SHIDDIQIYYAH ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN JOMBANG ON KOMPAS.COM 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Dewi Istiqomah Farida Ahmad Munir <p>Environment is currently of concern to the general public. One concerning case is what occurred at the Shidiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Jombang. This case has been widely reported by the media in Indonesia, including the online media, starting from the alleged case until it reached the stage of the sentencing hearing. This research examines five news stories from the online media regarding reporting on verdicts in cases of sexual violence at the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic boarding school, Jomban. The aim and formulation of the problem in this research is: How does the online media use framing structures (syntax, script, thematic, rhetorical). This research uses a qualitative approach by collecting data using non-participant observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki's framing analysis model with four structures: syntax, script, thematic, and rhetorical. The results of this research are (1). Syntactic Structure, media tries to show the events after the sentence was handed down to the perpetrator of sexual violence. (2).'s media script structure tries to frame the facts and efforts of the victim while fighting for justice for the victim. (3). The thematic structure of the media shows that the verdict handed down did not match the victim's expectations. (4). Rhetorical structure, in media reporting, is seen using elements of the lexicon, this shows the emphasis in each news.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication QATAR COUNTRY'S ISLAMIC PROSELYTIZING METHODS AT THE 2022 WORLD CUP 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Anita Sartika Amrina Rosyada <p align="center">The 2022 FIFA World Cup is a new historical record for the Islamic world. For the first time since 1930, this most prestigious football match was held in the Islamic country, Qatar. The choice of Qatar as the host in the FIFA executive committee meeting has raised pros and cons since it was announced in 2010. But amid these pros and cons, the various positive reports regarding the 2022 World Cup show that Qatar is preparing its country well. This is also the case with the da'wah of Islam carried out by this country. Qatar is considered successful in spreading Islam rahmatan lil alamin, one of which is through the recitation of Q.s. Al-Hujurat: 13 by Ghanim Al-Muftah during the opening ceremony. Apart from these examples, many other Islamic da'wah will be discussed in this article. In Q.s. An-Nahl: 125, Allah swt. explains the methods of wisdom that can be used in preaching, including wisdom, Al-Mau'idzah al-hasanah, and good rebuttals. This article aims to analyze Qatar's da'wah methods in the 2022 World Cup. The formulation of the problem in this article is how is da'wah with wisdom, Al-Mau'idzah al-hasanah, and good rebuttals made by Qatar? This analysis concludes that the al-mau'idzah al-hasanah method is the most widely applied. In addition, the propaganda method used by Qatar has also succeeded in creating peace, joy, and love for Islam and the state of Qatar.</p><p> </p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication HABIB HUSEIN JA'FAR ALHADAR'S DA'WAH RHETORIC STYLE ON YOUTUBE 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Bahrun Mahabi <p>Communication is a relationship of delivery interaction we do daily. If the communicant does not know what the communicator is conveying, rhetoric is needed so that what we want to convey will not be in vain. The relationship between rhetoric and da'wah is the ability to use language to generate thoughts and feelings to invite listeners to good. Based on this uniqueness, researchers ask the following question: What is the style of language based on word choice, tone, and sentence structure Habib Husein Ja'far Alhadar via Youtube Gita Wirjawan, episode Habib Husein Ja'far: Saleh Akal and Social, Not Just Ritual? This study uses Gorys Keraf's theory, which discusses Language Style. It uses a qualitative research approach with the type of research using data collection techniques through observation and documentation. The results of this study show that: 1). The rhetorical style of da'wah Habib Ja'far Husein Alhadar, Gorys Keraf's rhetorical perspective on language style based on language choice is unofficial language style and conversational language style. 2). Based on tone is a simple, polite, humorous tone. 3) Based on sentence structure is anticlimactic sentence structure and repetition.</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication COMMUNICATION PATTERN OF PC IPPNU PONOROGO ORGANIZATION IN OVERCOMING INTERNAL CONFLICTS 2023-12-13T02:03:11+07:00 Azza Fahreza Zayinnatul Ula Irma Rumtiating Uswatun Hanifah <p>In organizations, maintaining harmonious relationships is essential in managing material, financial, and human resources. Overcoming internal conflicts is one of the challenges in managing and leading members. Conflicts that are not resolved immediately will hinder the organization in achieving goals. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate and effective communication patterns for conflict resolution. This study aims to determine how the pattern of organizational communication carried out by PC IPPNU Ponorogo Regency in overcoming internal conflicts. The method used is a qualitative approach to <em>field research </em>with descriptive methods. The data collection techniques used were participant observation, interviews, and documentation. The study results were obtained: 1) There are 4 forms of internal conflict, including conflicts within individuals, conflicts between individuals, conflicts between members in one group, and intra-organizational conflicts caused by communication factors, organizational structure factors, and personal factors. 2) Communication patterns in overcoming internal conflicts, namely the star model through horizontal and informal communication and the chain model through formal communication networks, including upward and downward communication. Both emphasize the existence of common <em>interests</em> and <em>common goals </em>that can foster each member's proactive nature and mutual openness to actively participate in resolving internal organizational conflicts.</p><p> </p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication