At-Tafasir: Journal of Quranic Studies and Contextual Tafsir
<p>At-Tafasir: Jurnal of Qur'anic Studies and Contextual Tafsir adalah jurnal yang memuat bidang penelitian tentang studi al-Qur'an dan Tafsir.</p> <p>Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember, yang diterbitkan oleh Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo yang dikelola oleh Jurusan Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah.</p> <p>Jurnal At-Tafasir menerima artikel yang berbahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris. </p>en-US[email protected] (Moh. Alwy Amru Ghozali)[email protected] (Umi Kalsum)Tue, 09 Jul 2024 10:44:20 +0700OJS Bahasa Krama Inggil Dalam Penyifatan Allah (Kajian Sosiolinguistik dan Pragmatik dalam Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Ibriz Karya Bisri Mustofa)
<p>One of the Javanese Tafsir books is the Al-Ibriz Tafsir Book, in which Bisri Mustofa paid attention to the rules for using the Javanese language. This research discusses the nature of Allah in the book Tafsir Al-Ibriz and explains the sociolinguistic and pragmatic studies, which are then linked to the social life of society. This research uses a descriptive-analytical approach with sociolinguistic and pragmatic theories. The results of this research are as follows: in terms of sociolinguistic theory, the use of krama language in the description of Allah in Tafsir Al-Ibriz is a code switch which takes the form of a speech level from Javanese ngoko to Javanese krama. Meanwhile, viewed with pragmatic theory, the use of polite language in this interpretation uses speech act level parameters. Bisri Mustofa uses the language of krama in characterizing Allah because Allah's position is the highest. The relevance of the use of krama inggil language in Tafsir Al-Ibriz to the construction of social valuesof Javanese society is that Javanese people can apply Javanese krama language as a means of instilling politeness values.</p>Anisa Yaumil Maghfiroh, Irma Rumtianing
Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Yaumil Maghfiroh, Irma Rumtianing, 09 Jul 2024 10:43:08 +0700Laktasi Perspektif Al-Qur’an
<p><em>One of the provisions of the Shari'a described in the Qur'an is regarding lactation or radha'ah (breastfeeding a baby). The word radha'ah in the Qur'an is used for two senses, namely first as one of the reasons for the prohibition of marriage due to siblings (QS. an-Nisa' [4]: 23), and second as a breastfeeding activity for mothers to their babies, where breast milk becomes the main food for babies, especially the first six months of birth, and is highly recommended to be given until the baby is two years old (QS. al-Baqarah [2]: 233). Lactation is the entire process of breastfeeding from the time the milk is produced until the baby sucks and swallows it. Islam has taught every mother to meet the nutritional needs of her baby by breastfeeding for two full years. Breastfeeding the baby will provide many benefits to the baby and mother from various aspects. Among them can protect the baby from various diseases and can speed up the recovery process of the uterus for the mother. However, along with the development of the times that provide everything instantly, many choose to provide formula milk as a substitute for breast milk due to various factors. It can be concluded that mothers have been carried away by the influence of the times and do not pay much attention to the provisions of Islam that breastfeeding is the responsibility of mothers to their</em><em> children after giving birth.</em></p>Lailatul Istiqomah
Copyright (c) 2024 Lailatul Istiqomah, 09 Jul 2024 10:45:25 +0700Menjaga Kesehatan Reproduksi Perempuan Dalam Al-Qur’An
<p>Reproductive health is a healthy condition that includes reproductive systems, functions and processes. Reproductive health for women is very important to pay attention to because it is closely related to the process of forming a family. Women must maintain their reproductive health so that they are protected from all infections or diseases that attack the reproductive organs. In Islam, reproductive health is also related to the mechanisms of the reproductive system itself which includes menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, promiscuous sex (zina), and abortion. This research discusses issues regarding verses related to women's reproductive health. The aim is to find out the role of women in maintaining their reproductive health. The method used in this research is thematic interpretation research technique. Then at this point the discussion is motivated by the interpretation of the Al-Qur'an using the theory of Maudhu'i interpretation, namely; collects verses from the Qur'an that touch on the theme of reproductive health. The conclusion of this research is that the interpretation of verses on women's reproductive health includes the prohibition of sexual relations during menstruation, the prohibition of adultery, and the prohibition of having an abortion. So this can be interpreted by interpreters as support that it is true that the Qur'an pays attention to women's reproductive health. Thus, the verses about women's reproductive health can be understood as a form of understanding in maintaining reproductive health.</p>ainaya muna
Copyright (c) 2024 ainaya muna, 09 Jul 2024 10:50:15 +0700Pandangan Hamka Tentang Nilai Pancasila dalam al-Qur’an
<p>Pancasila is the basic ideology and philosophy of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila is created by the Indonesian people themselves because the valuescontained in each of the Pancasila principles come from the customs and culture of Indonesian society. However, in this modern era, Islamic dynamics in Indonesia always become lively when there is a debate discussing the clash between two aspects, namely Islam and Pancasila. By using a descriptive-analytical approach, the results of this research were obtained as follows: 1. According to Buya Hamka, the main essence of Pancasila lies in the principle of Belief in One Almighty God. Buya Hamka said that by adhering to the precepts of Belief in One Almighty God, you will automatically grow and practice the other four precepts. The first principle talks about monotheism in accordance with Surah al-Iḥlāṣ verses 1-4. The second principle talks about humanity in accordance with Surah al-Baqara; verse 83. The third precept talks about national unity in accordance with surah al-Hujurāt verse 13. The fourth precept talks about the obligation of the people to consult in accordance with surah ash-Shūra verse 38. The fifth precept talks about social justice in accordance with surah an-Nisā' verse 36. 2. In the Tafsir Al-Azhar book, surah al-Iḥlāṣ verses 1-4 which contain the value of the Oneness of God. Surah al-Baqara; verse 83 Buya Hamka interprets that this verse contains human attitudes which are a reflection of human attitudes.</p>Zainul Ma'ruf, Kayyis Fitrhi Ajhuri
Copyright (c) 2024 zainul ma'ruf, Kayyis Fitrhi Ajhuri Kayyis, 09 Jul 2024 10:52:13 +0700Living Qur’an di Pondok Pesantren Hamalatul Qur’an Syifa Warohmah Dagangan Madiun
<p><em>This study discusses the Living Qur'an phenomenon that occurs in the community, such as the tradition of reading Surah Al-Fatḥ verse 29 at the Syifa Warohmah Dagangan Madiun Islamic Islamic Boarding School Hamalatul Qur'an. This activity was attended by all students and administrators which was carried out every night after the Isha prayer. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The focus of the discussion of this research is on how to practice and what are the motives, goals, and meanings of the tradition of reading Surah Al-Fatḥ verse 29 at the Syifa Warohmah Dagangan Islamic Boarding School in Madiun based on the phenomenological theory of Alferd Schutz. The results of the research in this thesis indicate that the tradition of reading Surah Al-Fatḥ verse 29 at the Syifa Warohmah Dagangan Islamic Boarding School in Madiun was carried out after the Isha' prayer and the hajat prayer, then one of the students took the rice that was in the container (plate) and distributed to the administrators and other students, amounting to five seeds for each person, while accompanied by three times shalawat Nariyah. Then every single grain of rice is recited Surah Al-Fatḥ verse 29 and then blown, repeated five times. After the procession is complete, the rice is returned to its container. Closed with Shalawat Burdah. The motive for the students and administrators to participate in this activity is due to the rules of the lodge and routine activities every night. The goal is to facilitate sustenance, expect blessings, and increase memorization. There are two meanings, the objective meaning is as the practice of facilitating sustenance, the subjective meaning is a form of gratitude, ijasahan, blessing. </em></p>Sofyan Ghufronul Uzka
Copyright (c) 2024 Sofyan Ghufronul Uzka, 09 Jul 2024 10:54:24 +0700Konsep Tazkiyat Al-Nafs Dalam Al-Quran (Perspektif Tafsir Maqāṣidi)
<p><em>Tazkiyat al-nafs is a process of improving the soul and purifying it through the way of knowledge (ṭalabul 'ilmi), doing good deeds, and doing Allah's commands and staying away from his prohibitions. Because the dimension of the soul in human life is very influential in fostering the faith, Islam, and ihsan of a Muslim. For this reason, the study aims to explain how the meaning of tazkiyat al-nafs in the Qur'an is, knowing how the steps taken by tazkiyat al-nafs according to the Qur'an.</em><strong> </strong><em>The type of research used is library research. In this discussion, the researcher focuses on the application of the maqāṣidi aspect to explore the meaning of the verses about tazkiyat al-nafs and explain the meaning of the commandment of tazkiyat al-nafs in the Qur'an. This study uses the maudhu'i interpretation method.</em><strong> </strong><em>The results of this study are first, tazkiyat al-nafs in the Qur'an contains the meaning of making sustenance useful and blessing for the human soul, giving pious and pious offspring that bring benefits, fostering trustworthy behavior in humans. Second, the steps of tazkiyat al-nafs according to the Qur'an are seeking knowledge, doing business. and choose halal and good food.</em></p>Mukhtar Syafangat, Muh Tasrif
Copyright (c) 2024 mukhtar syafaat mukhtar, Muh. Tasrif Tasrif, 09 Jul 2024 10:55:40 +0700Konsep Sabar dan Shalat Perspektif Tafsir Al-Misbah Sebagai Self-Healing
<p><em>Modernization has changed the lives of many social communities resulting in many social problems such as mental damage. Efforts to cure mental health religiously are by applying the concept of 'patience and prayer', both in religious and cultural contexts. In everyday life this concept is also widely used by people when facing various psychological problems, for example facing stressful situations, facing problems, or calamities or when experiencing angry emotional conditions. This research uses a qualitative approach and the type of research is library research, which is an attempt to obtain data in the literature. By reviewing books by Quraish Shihab. The data analysis uses a descriptive-analytical approach whose sources are recorded, collected analyzed and then interpreted critically before being poured and implemented in an idea. In Tafsir al-Misbah it is explained that patience and prayer can help self-healing, both physically and psychologically which is also beneficial for life, namely in the form of peace of mind, a source of faith and tranquility, therapy for anxiety and solution giver and as amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.</em></p>Anistiawati Bulandari Qasanah, Umar Faruq Thohir
Copyright (c) 2024 Anistiawati Bulandari Qasanah, Umar Faruq Thohir, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700