Strategi Baca Tanya Kerja (BTK) dengan Model Portofolio untuk Meningkatkan Belajar Mata Pelajaran Sejarah bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) di SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo
Job question reading strategy, portfolio model, history subject,Abstract
The purpose of enacting inclusive education in normal schools is so that there is no discrimination in the world of education so that children with special needs can study in regular schools. With this policy, it is certainly not easy for History teachers to be able to apply methods and strategies for children with special needs and regular children whose class has become one. Therefore it is necessary to have a work question reading strategy (BTK) with a portfolio model for children with special needs when learning takes place. Children with special needs do not always experience problems in learning, but when interacting with peers in regular classes there are certain things that must get special attention from the teacher, especially the supervising teacher to get optimal learning results. The method used is classroom action research. The results of the study show that the BTK strategy can improve learning outcomes and also that portfolio-based learning proves that it can improve the learning outcomes of children with special needs in history subjects.
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