The Essence of 'Aql as Kamāl Al-Awwal in the view of Ibnu Sīnā and its Relation to Education


  • Abdul Rohman Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Amir Reza Kusuma Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Muhammad Ari Firdausi Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) KH. Achmad Shiddiq, Jember



'Aql, Ibn Sīnā, Kamāl al-Awwal, Immaterial, Knowledge.


This article aims to examine the essence of 'aql as kamÄl al-awwal in Ibn SÄ«nÄ's philosophy. In this article, the author uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive-analytical and philosophical approach. This study found several important points which include: first, 'aql by Ibn SÄ«nÄ is defined as a potential of nafs insÄniyyah or nafs nÄá¹­iqah which helps humans to achieve knowledge and truth; secondly, the essence of 'aql for Ibn SÄ«nÄ is kamÄl al-awwal, therefore it is immaterial and not material; third, the essence of 'aql as kamÄl al-awwal makes it correlate with the nafs, rūḥ, and qalb which are human spiritual entities; fourth, 'aql as kamÄl al-awwal also shows its potential as a tool to gain knowledge, where the process begins with the capture of phenomena through the five senses and then digested by 'aql and assisted in conceptualizing it through the emission of 'Aql Fa'Äl; fifth, Ibn SÄ«nÄ's idea of the essence of 'aql may have been influenced by earlier Muslim philosophers such as al-KindÄ« and al-FÄrÄbÄ«, besides having undergone several explorations. In addition, he also succeeded in influencing later Muslim philosophers such as al-GhazÄlÄ«. is something that settles in life and appears in the action easily without the need of thinking first. Morals are not deeds, strengths, and knowledge. Morals are "Haal" or conditions of the soul and the inner shape




How to Cite

Rohman, A., Kusuma, A. R., & Firdausi, M. A. (2022). The Essence of ’Aql as Kamāl Al-Awwal in the view of Ibnu SÄ«nā and its Relation to Education. Dialogia, 20(1), 176–207.