Implementasi Literasi Informasi Di Sekolah


  • Ilham Mashuri STAIN Kediri


Kata Kunci:

information literacy, school librarian


Lately the term information literacy is often discussed
this awareness needs to be appreciated. Even in Indonesia it can
be said to be late, but considering the importance of the benefits of information for the development of the awareness that literacy should be developed. Information literacy is defined as one’s knowledge of the needs information, the ability to identify, seek, evaluate, organize and effectively create, use and communicate information for solving problems. Those Knowledges are a prerequisite to live in an information society and part of one’s basic right to lifelong learning. In a number of libraries that have implemented information literacy, some progress has been achieved. Indeed it is still limited in higher education, so
that information literacy programs in schools should be encouraged and realized. This literacy can be done through various programs: through user education during new student orientation, incidental activity, or to integrate IL into the school curriculum. To realize this agenda all librarians should continue to learn and develop their competences. Without it, they are impossible to carry out information literacy at the school.

Cara Mengutip

Mashuri, I. (2016). Implementasi Literasi Informasi Di Sekolah. Pustakaloka, 3(1), 61–72.


