Optimalisasi Layanan Perpustakaan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Siswa


  • Moch Basit Aulawi



Kata Kunci:

interest in reading, Library Service


The key to use a knowledge treasury on library,especially
school library, is reading. And the process of reading a literature will
be maximal if it is done by interest in reading. In addition to having
main duty, such as information, circulation and reference service,
school library has a role to increase interest in reading of students.
A lot of services of library to increase student’s interest in reading
are thosewhich become part of learning process, services to increase
student’s skill to explore information, and services to increasea
library use. So, the library has many opportunites to increase
student’s interest in reading. The main point in increasing student’s
interest in reading is a model from many parts, especially librarian.
Those process will form a paradigm thereading is the main matterin
learning process.This essay will explore library’s role to increase
student’s interest in reading.

Cara Mengutip

Aulawi, M. B. (2016). Optimalisasi Layanan Perpustakaan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Siswa. Pustakaloka, 3(1), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.21154/pustakaloka.v3i1.639


