About the Journal
Al Syakhsiyyah Journal (Journal of Law and Family Studies) is published by IAIN Ponorogo and organized by Jurusan Hukum Keluarga Islam Fakultas Syariah, twice a year. This journal is intended as a place of thought that is open to all circles. The articles published in this journal are in the form of scientific writings on conceptual thinking, literature review, and research results in the field of Islamic law and Islamic family law that have never been published.
Its primary concern for this journal covers multidisciplinary study topics on Islamic Law, particularly those related to Fiqh, Usul Fqih, Islamic Law in various countries, Islamic Family Law, Islamic Criminal Law, and Islamic constitutional law. This journal serves as a knowledge exchange platform for researchers, scholars, and writers who dedicate their scientific interests to broaden Islamic law's scientific horizons.
Al Syakhsiyyah Journal is committed to scientific transformation by opening easy access for every interested reader. All published articles can be accessed through our online platform at:
Al Syakhsiyyah journal invites writers to submit their articles for Vol 6, No. 1 & 2, 2024. Submitted papers can cover multidisciplinary study topics on Islamic Law, particularly those related to Jurisprudence, Ushul Fqih, Islamic Law in various countries, Islamic family law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic civil law, and Islamic constitutional law.