Konflik Terbentuknya Negara Israel pada Tahun 1948-1973


  • Syahrul Adhim Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Yuliati Yuliati Universitas Negeri Malang




State of Israel, Palestine, Conflict, War



The author's aim in writing this article is to describe how the history of conflict is about the establishment or formation of a country. Regarding the discussion to be discussed in this article, the conflict that resulted in a war in the formation or establishment of the State of Israel within the territory of Arab countries including the Palestinian territories. Then, regarding the research method that will be used in writing this article is to use method library research where, in writing this article, it is done by looking for reference sources from journals, books, and scientific papers based on the title to be studied in this article. Then the results of the discussion of this article reveal that the history of the establishment of the State of Israel occurred because of the struggle for territorial power again over the glory of an ancestral nation in the past, until finally a nation that had an ancestral civilization in the past wanted to control the place again. For example, the Jewish nation wants the establishment of a state, namely the State of Israel. The nation controlled the Palestinian mainland slowly by slowly, until finally the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 resulted in a great war with the Arab nations around it, the war ended in 1973 and a peaceful agreement was made.


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