Reading Comprehension, RIDER Strategy.Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategy RIDER (Read, Image, Describe, Evaluate, & Repeat) diterapkan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan membaca siswa kelas XI di MA Maarif Balong, Ponorogo. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan dua siklus. Criteria keberhasilan yang ditetapkan adalah bahwa 75% siswa mencapai nilai KKM Mapel Bahasa Inggris, yaitu score 68. Data diambil dengan tes (satu pre-test dan dua post-test di akhir masing-masing siklus) dan observasi kelas selama penerapan strategi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan pada prestasi siswa. Sebelum penerapan strategi, hasil pretest menunjukkan hanya ada 14,81% (4 siswa) yang mencapai nilai KKM. Hasil posttest siklus pertama menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 29,62% (8 siswa) yang mencapai KKM. Sementara itu, di posttest siklus kedua, seluruh siswa telah mencapai KKM. Demikian pula, hasil observasi menunjukkan angka partisipasi para siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar mengalami peningkatan. Di siklus pertama, hanya 33,33% yang mengajukan pertanyaan, 37,03% menjawab pertanyaan, dan 100% mencari kosakata baru. Di siklus kedua, angkanya secara berurutan menjadi 51,85%, 62,96%, dan 100%. Dengan demikian, melalui penerapan strategi RIDER, ketrampilan membaca para siswa meningkat dan demikian pula antusiasme mereka dalam belajar. [This research is aimed at finding how RIDER strategy is implemented to improve the students’ reading skill at English class at grade XI of MA Ma’arif Balong, Ponorogo. This study is a two-cycle classroom actioIn research, the success-criteria of which is that 75% of the students reach the KKM of English subject, which is score 68. The data are taken from tests (the pretest and two posttests by the end of each cycle) and classroom observation during the implementation of the RIDER strategy. The result of the tests shows significant improvement of the students’ achievement. In the pretests, which is conducted before the implementation of the strategy, only 14,81% (4 students) reach the KKM; in the posttest in the first cycle, 8 students (29,62%) reach the KKM; and lastly, in the posttest of the second cycle, all students (100%) are successful to achieve the criteria. Regarding the class participation of the students during the implementation of the strategy, the data from the observation shows as follows. In the cycle 1 the student’ activeness in asking question is 33,33%, in answering question 37,03%, in finding new vocabulary 100%. In cycle 2, the students’ activeness improves with the following details: in asking question 51,85%, in answering questions 62,96%, and in finding new vocabulary 100%. Thus, through the implementation of RIDER strategy, the students’ reading skill improves and so does their enthusiasm in learning].