
  • Susanto Susanto Pascasarjana Institut PTIQ Jakarta,



Persepsi, Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamiin, Nasionalisme


Guru merupakan salah satu faktor kunci dalam pembentukan pembentukan sikap pelajar. Corak pemahaman keislaman yang dimiliki guru, umumnya tidak hanya diekspresikan dalam praktik teologis, namun mempengaruhi sikap dirinya dalam berbangsa dan bernegara serta proses transmisi kepada pelajar. Tujuan penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi guru di Jawa Barat terkait konsep Islam berwawasan rahmatan lil ”˜alamin serta dampak persepsi guru terhadap sikap nasionalisme pelajar di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui google form dan proses analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Responden guru dan pelajar berasal dari sekolah yang sama, berasal dari jenjang SMP dan SLTA di Jawa Barat. Penelitian terhadap persepsi guru terhadap konsepsi Islam berwawasan rahmatan lil alamiin dilihat  dari 3 aspek yaitu persepsi terhadap konsep teologis, urgensi penerapan dan manfaat. Adapun sikap nasionalisme pelajar dilihat dari tujuh indikator meliputi; bangga sebagai bangsa Indonesia, cinta tanah air dan bangsa, menerima dan menghargai kemajemukan, bangga pada budaya yang beraneka ragam, menghargaai jasa para pahlawan dan mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa mayoritas guru memiliki pandangan positif terhadap konsepsi Islam berwawasan rahmatan lil alamiin dan berdampak terhadap sikap nasionalisme pelajar. [The teacher is one of the key factors in shaping student attitudes. The style of Islamic understanding that the teacher has is generally not only expressed in theological practice, but affects his attitude in the nation and state as well as the process of transmission to students. The research objective in this article is to describe the perceptions of teachers in West Java regarding the concept of Islam with the insight of rahmatan lil 'alamin and the impact of teacher perceptions on the nationalism attitude of students in West Java Province. This research uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through google form and the data analysis process uses descriptive analysis. Teacher and student respondents come from the same school, come from the junior and senior high school levels in West Java. Research on teachers' perceptions of the Islamic concept with rahmatan lil alamin insight is seen from 3 aspects, namely perceptions of theological concepts, urgency of application and benefits. As for the attitude of student nationalism, seen from seven indicators, they are; proud to be the nation of Indonesia, love the country and the nation, accept and appreciate diversity, be proud of diverse cultures, value the services of heroes and put the interests of the nation first. The results of this study found that the majority of teachers have a positive view of the concept of Islam with the insight of rahmatan lil alamin and have an impact on the nationalism of students.]


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