Islam dan Ahl al-Kitab


  • Umi Sumbulah Fakultas Syariah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang



This study aims at understanding the perception of Nah­dlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah and Hizb al-Tahrir leaders in Malang, East Jawa, about the relation of Islam with Ahl al-KitÄb, includes their implications toward social life. The result shows that there are varied concepts on the meaning of Ahl al-KitÄb. According to NU and Muhammadiyah, Ahl al-KitÄb are Jewish and Christian community who still or not recognize the oneness of Allah. Con­versely, Hizbut Tahrir state that the term refers merely to Jewish and Christian who embrace the “genuine” theological system. In under­standing the hadis, the three organizations are polarized into three models; combining pure Islamic sciences with modern sciences as performed by the NU’s followers (Nahdhiyin); applying contextual approach and modern sciences as used by Muhammadiyah; and fo­cusing on text as Hizbut Tharir choose. However, although the three organizations have different understanding on the concept of Ahl­al-Kitab, they they have no objection to establish social relationship with them.


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How to Cite

Sumbulah, U. (2011). Islam dan Ahl al-Kitab. Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 11(1), 151–171.