Potret Kontestasi Filsafat Islam dalam Era Sains Modern


  • Win Usuluddin STAIN Jember




The modern scientists have been considering philosophy as meaningless field for long time because it questions non exact field, not real and not actual. Therefore, it is believed that they do not need phi­losophy anymore. Islamic philosophy discussing a lot about mystic and metaphysic also get significant challenge in the era of modern science. This paper will try to discuss the construction built by Islamic philoso­phy particularly in its contestation in the era of modern science. Some of that constructive efforts are by demonstrating and introducing Islam­ic philosophy in more actual sense, for example by remapping Islamic philosophy followed by rearranging Islamic epistemology in order to reveal that Islamic philosophy does not only limit the object of knowl­edge on physical object but also non­physic. Hence, we need to discuss the reality of mystical experience intensively in order to explain ratio­nally that the reality of mystical experience is real. Another problem we are going to discuss here is the objectivity and integrity of knowledge in Islamic Philosophy’s view and to make historical reflection in order to build scientific tradition to develop Islamic philosophy in the future.


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How to Cite

Usuluddin, W. (2016). Potret Kontestasi Filsafat Islam dalam Era Sains Modern. Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 12(2), 259–277. https://doi.org/10.21154/al-tahrir.v12i2.57