IJouGS: Indonesian Journal of Gender Studies is a bilingual journal that published in June and December by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, IAIN Ponorogo. The Journal is focus on the result from researches and studies of gender equities or inequities through in civil society, culture, education, lenguange, religions etc.

It's located at:

LPPM IAIN Ponorogo, Jl. Pramuka, No.156, Ronowijayan, Siman, Ponorogo

Contact us at:

ijougs@iainponorogo.ac.id 085854981814 (Journal Manager)

p-ISSN : 2745-7397

e-ISSN : 2745-861X

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)

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