Analyzing The Implementation of Neuro Linguistic Programming on Islamic Religious Education: A Philosophical Perspective


  • Nurul Ahsin Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah, IAIN Kediri
  • Titis Thoriquttyas Marmara University, Istanbul Turkey



This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP) in Islamic Religious Education (IRE) learning through two educational philosophy perspectives, namely Islamic Educational Philosophy (IEP) and Educational Philosophy (EP). This research focuses on the description and elaboration of the philosophical schools contained in the implementation of NLP to IRE. The formulation of the problem proposed in this study is how to analyze the implementation of NLP in IRE learning from the perspective of educational philosophy and Islamic education philosophy? This study uses a qualitative method, where researchers optimize the literature review approach. Researchers collected articles and research results with the keywords, "NLP", "Islamic Religious Education" and "Philosophy of Education” and “Philosophy of Islamic Education". The process of data processing, data reduction and data analysis are carried out based on literature study by paying attention to the novelty of the input articles. Regarding research findings, this study reveals that there are three schools of educational philosophy, namely progressivism, essentialism, and reconstructionism. Meanwhile, according to the philosophy of Islamic education, there is a religious-rational school (al-Diniy al-'Aqlaniy) and pragmatism.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP) pada pembelajaran PAI melalui dua perspektif filsafat pendidikan, yaitu filsafat pendidikan dan filsafat pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini berfokus pada uraian dan elaborasi aliran-aliran filsafat yang terdapat dalam penerapan NLP pada PAI. Rumusan masalah yang diajukan pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana analisa implementasi NLP dalam pembelajaran PAI dari perspektif filsafat pendidikan dan filsafat pendidikan Islam?. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dimana peneliti mengoptimalkan pendekatan literatur review. Peneliti menghimpun artikel dan hasil penelitian dengan kata kunci, “NLP”, “Pendidikan Agama Islam” dan “Filsafat Pendidikan dan Filsafat Pendidikan Islam”. Proses pengolahan data, reduksi data dan analisis data dilakukan berbasis studi kepustakaan dengan memperhatikan novelti artikel masukan. Terkait temuan penelitian, penelitian ini mengungkapkan terdapat tiga aliran filsafat pendidikan, yaitu progressivisme, essentialisme, and rekonstruksionisme. Sedangkan, menurut filsafat pendidikan Islam, terdapat aliran religius-rasional (al-Diniy al-‘Aqlaniy) and pragmatisme.

Keywords: Neuro Linguistic Programming; Educational Philosophy; Islamic Educational Philosophy; Islamic education


