Peer Review Process

To maintain a high-quality publication, every article published in the Journal of the Cendekia undergoes the process of double-blind peer-review by peer-reviewers of the Cendekia Journal.

The editorial team reviews articles submitted as the initial process. The editorial team will evaluate the feasibility of the content, focus, and methodology in the article. The articles are sent to double-blind reviewers. Notes from the reviewer are then sent back to the author to be adapted to journal writing standards. The editorial board will re-evaluate the revised manuscript. Later, the editor will inform the decision based on the editorial board’s recommendation to the author.

The editor of Cendekia has the right to decide which of the articles submitted should be published. It complies with legal requirements as should be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The editors can confabulate with other editorial teams and reviewers in making the decision.