pendekatan All In One System, pengajaran, bahasa ArabAbstract
The approach used by teachers is one of crucial factors which can determine the success of learning process. All in one system is one of effective approaches that can be applied in teaching Arabic. This approach considers that the language is as a system consisting of functional and integrative elements representing a unity that can not be separated. Hence, the lack of one element or sub-system will cause interference and obstacles for other elements. The aforementioned language subsystem consists of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. This approach suggests that language instruction should begin with teaching listening to the students, then training them to speak before facilitating them to improve their reading and writing. Thus, the sequence of teaching Arabic is listening (al-istima'), speaking (al-kalam), reading (al-qira'ah), and write (kitabah). In addition, it is broadly agreed that all in one system suits with the nature of brain work in looking at the phenomenon that is from the global to the parts one. Besides, it is essential that learning material and delivery techniques should be varied in order to avoid boredom that might affect the students’ learning. Moreover, this approach is supposed to be meaningful for the students since it focuses only on a topic or specific situation with repeated review of the various terms, as a result it can strengthen the students' understanding of subject matter.
كان المد خل عنصرا هاما Ù„Ù†Ø¬Ø§Ø Ø§Ù„Ù…Ø¯Ø±Ø³ ÙÙŠ تدريسه. وثمة مداخل يستخدمها المدرس ÙÙŠ تدريس اللغة العربية، منها المدخل ( all in one sistem ). يرى هذا المدخل أن اللغة نظام يتركب من العناصر الدالة على الوØدة التي لا يمكن Ùصلها، وخلوّ Ø£Øد منها ÙŠØدث عائقا ÙÙŠ غيرها. وعناصر اللغة هي الأصوات والكلمات والجمل. واعتمادا على هذا المدخل كان تدريس اللغة العربية بداية من تدريس مهارة الاستماع ومهارة الكلام ومهارة القراءة ثم مهارة الكتابة. وطبيعة هذا المدخل مناسبة بطبيعة العقل ÙÙŠ نظرته إلى الشيء من الكل إلى الجزء. ÙˆÙÙŠ التطبيق، كان التنويع ÙÙŠ المادة سيزيل سآمة الطلاب. والتركيزÙÙŠ الموضوع بشتى نواØيها سيقوّي Ùهم الطلاب ويثبته ÙÙŠ أذهانهم.
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