• Umar Sidiq STAIN Ponorogo
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Al-Qur’an Qashas is news of al-Qur’an about the state of the former peoples, the Prophet and the events that have occurred. It is generally asserted that  the  stories in the Qur'an provide abundant benefits such as confirming the heart of god messenger, justifying the previous Prophets, uncover the lies of the scripture with hujjah,  and the story is one of literary works  that can attract the attention of listeners and explain the principles of da'wah to Allah as well. It is undoubtedly that a well-organized story will be easily catching the listeners’ soul and people will be also fond of accepting it, even they will not get bored due to the essence of story. By reflecting the benefits of the story in Al-Qur’an, it is recommended that the educators should take its advantage during the learning process in the classroom, especially on Islamic learning lesson since this subject is regarded as fundamental and core of Islamic education objectives. Therefore, the stories in Qur'an play an important role as a fruitful media that can help teachers educate the students and achieve their instructional goals successfully.    

 قصص القرأن هو اخباره عن احوال الأمم الماضية, والنبوات السابقة, والحوادث الواقعة. لا شك فيه ان القصة المحكمة الدقيقة تطرق المسامع بشغف- وتنفذ الى النفس البشرية بسهولة ويسر, وتسترسل مع سياقها المشاعر فلا تمل ولا تكد, ويرتاد العقل عناصرها فيجني من حقولها الأزاهير والثمار. هذه الظاهرة الفطرية النفسية ينبغي للمربين ان يفيدوا منها فى مجالاة التعليم, لاسيما التهذيب الديني, الذي هو لب التعليم, وقوام التوجيه فيه. وفى القصص القرأن تربة خصبة تساعد المربين على النجاح فى مهمتهم و تمدهم بزاد تهذيبي.

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