This study underscores the significance of E-books centered on Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD) for junior high school students, highlighting
the value of interactive and multidirectional learning resources to foster
sustainability awareness. The research objectives are to (1) find out the
necessity of ESD-based E-books for enhancing sustainability awareness
among students, 2) to prove the advantages and disadvantages of ESD-based
learning compared to traditional learning, and (3) compare ESD-based
learning with traditional methods. Using interviews, and literature study, the
study finds traditional printed science textbooks insufficient in engaging
students, often reducing their enthusiasm for learning. Interviews reveal that
conventional textbooks are the primary learning medium, but students find
them uninspiring. E-books, however, show promise in boosting student
engagement through features like accessibility, searchability, and
interactivity. Challenges exist in integrating ESD into the curriculum,
primarily due to educators' limited understanding of sustainability concepts.
Nonetheless, ESD-based E-books are seen as effective tools for developing a
sustainable culture and enhancing students' awareness of sustainability issues.
The literature study indicates a clear need for ESD-based E-books for
students, emphasizing their role in preparing the next generation for
sustainable development. The study recommends rigorous testing and
comparative analysis of STEM-ESD E-books versus traditional resources to
evaluate their effectiveness in raising sustainability awareness among junior
high school students. The ultimate aim is to promote self-directed learning
and greater awareness of sustainability.
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