Women's Leadership Management Model in State Islamic Religious Universities (Case Study IAIN Ponorogo)


  • Athok Fuadi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Azmi Mustaqim Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Ibroheng Bueraheng Saengtham Wittaya School, Thailand
  • Arief Efendi Institut Miftahul Huda Al Azhar, Indonesia




Feminist, Management, Islamic Higher Education, Women's Leadership


Amidst the unpopularity of female leaders leading public Islamic religious universities, IAIN Ponorogo has been led by women for over a decade (2010-2023). This article discusses how female leaders manage higher education institutions and the management model of female leadership at IAIN Ponorogo. It was written using a qualitative methodology involving several female leaders at the college, mainly the current rector and two heads of study programs. This research is limited to examining the last period of current female leadership. The results of this study state that leaders at IAIN Ponorogo have standards for building the quality of higher education. The women's leadership management model tends to be feminist-transformational, which explores how women leaders contribute to the main elements of management: input, process, and output. The role of leaders in the main aspects of management is to ensure the availability of input indicators, encourage implementation, assist implementation, be actively involved in process indicators, and produce a feminist-transformational leadership model in output indicators. The behavioral framework that shows feminist-transformational is a charismatic leader who can stimulate intellectually, have individual attention, and be an inspiration and motivation.


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