Islamic Religious Education for Children in Javanese Family: A Study of Ethno Phenomenology
Children's education, Javanese society, identity, ethnographyAbstract
This study aims to determine the Islamic religious education of children in Javanese families in Krajan, Jogorogo, Ngawi. This study specifically focuses on the ethnographer's work model using a phenomenological approach. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, participant observation, literature study, documentation, and active listening. This study indicates that the principle applied by Javanese families is "narima ing pandhum," which aims to avoid evil thoughts, feelings, and actions. Children's educational materials include aqidah, worship, and morals. It involves the educational methods for Javanese families in Krajan village with habituation patterns, advice, and sample. This research also finds the fact that Javanese people form their identity from an early age. Through habituation and example, efforts to cultivate a mechanical awareness of mutual assistance, compassion, generosity, empathy, and simplicity are passed down from generation to generation to children.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pendidikan agama Islam anak pada keluarga Jawa di Dusun Krajan, Dawung, Jogorogo, Ngawi. Penelitian ini secara spesifik menitikberatkan pada model kerja etnografer dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data digunakan adalah in-depth interview, participant observation, studi pustaka, dokumentasi dan mendengar aktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya prinsip yang diterapkan keluarga Jawa adalah “narima ing pandhum” yang bertujuan menghindari pikiran, perasaan, dan perbuatan yang tidak baik. Materi pendidikan anak diantaranya: Aqidah, Ibadah, dan Akhlak. Metode pendidikan pada keluarga Jawa di Dusun Krajan dengan pola pembiasaan, nasihat, dan contoh keteladanan. Penelitian ini juga mendapati kenyataan bahwa masyarakat Jawa membentuk identitasnya sejak dini. Upaya menumbuhkan kesadaran mekanis saling membantu, belas kasih, murah hati, empati dan kesederhanaan diwariskan secara turun-temurun kepada anak melalui pembiasaan dan keteladanan.
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