The Educational Philosophy of Traditional Pesantren Roudlotul Muhsinin Al-Maqbul: Integrating Future Education Values
Islamic educational ontology, Islamic educational epistemology, Islamic educational axiology, traditional Islamic pesantrenAbstract
This study explores why Pesantren al-Maqbul maintains a traditional education system from educational philosophy. This research was qualitative. These research findings are: (1) the reason Pesantren al-Maqbul still insists on maintaining the traditional education system cannot be separated from the construction of its educational philosophy; (2) the influence of the educational ontology basis of the Pesantren al-Maqbul on its educational goals can be identified from the tendency of monism which places Allah's revelation in the form of Al-Qur'an Hadith as the only authoritative source of knowledge; (3) the influence of the educational epistemological foundation of Pesantren al-Maqbul on its educational goals can be seen from Bayani's tendencies in its epistemology; (4) the influence of the axiological basis (values) on the educational goals of the Pesantren al-Maqbul can be seen from the tendency of Irfani's reasoning, which is visible in the Pesantren al-Maqbul.
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