Sustainable Development in Islamic Education: Developing a Learning Program Based on Independent Zero Waste Management for Pre-Service Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers at IAIN Ponorogo


  • Esti Yuli Widayanti Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Wiwin Widyawati Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia



Sustainable development in learning program, environmental education, environmental literacy, prospective elementary teacher course


This study aims to formulate a learning program for the course implementation Praktikum Biologi Dasar specifically in PGMI FTIK Department at IAIN Ponorogo. This study is very important to be able to supporting sustainable development appropriate for environmental conservation. The program is supported with zero-waste aspect waste management materials which have been included the environment studying approach. The research is going to: 1) design an environmentally based program for 'Praktikum Biologi Dasar' utilizing waste management wich being designed independently in zero-waste concept as a prospective teacher of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah; and 2) assess the effectiveness this guide on spreads environmental literacy students. Research and Development was used as a design of the study while this model belongs to eight instructional development phase, with or without modification in ADDIE Model. Observational and documentary data collected through informants interviews, questionnaires were administered using literacy for both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Results a structured learning framework consisting of Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK), Semester Learning Plans (RPS) and Practical Guidelines. N-gain analysis demonstrates that the program is moderately effective in improving environmental knowledge and attitudes, but low effective on behavior changes as a recent activities. This implies that a systematic environmental learning approach is needed which needs to go beyond the boundaries of one course.


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