About the Journal

Justicia Islamica: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Sosial is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Sharia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia. The journal publishes articles on Islamic Law from various perspectives, covering both literary and fieldwork studies. The Topics related to contemporary Islamic legal studies, with particular reference to Islamic law in Sosio legal perspective, Sharia and Human Rights, constitutional law in modern Muslim countries, etc. ISSN: 1693-5926 (Print) 2502-7646 (Online)

Justicia Islamica is accredited (SINTA 2) by the General Director of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia since 9 July 2018 based on the Decree Number 21/E/KPT/2018. In 2020, Justicia Islamica was reaccredited (SINTA 2) on 23 December 2020 by Decree Number 200/M/KPT/2020. Member of CrossRef, all published articles in this journal will have a unique DOI number.

Justicia Islamica is published twice a year (June and December). It was firstly published in 2004 (printed edition). Then, it has migrated gradually to an electronic journal system in 2015 (Open Access). It is now a fully online journal, and available in English version from Vol 17 No 1 Year 2020.