Maqāṣid al-Sharīa in the Study of Hadith and its Implication for the Renewal of Islamic Law: Study on Jasser Auda’s Thought

  • Ahmad Syafi'i Sulaiman Jamrozi Faculty of Sharia, Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri, Ponorogo
  • Suad Fikriawan Faculty of Sharia, Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri, Ponorogo
  • Syamsul Anwar Faculty Shari and Law, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
  • Misnen Ardiansyah Faculty of Economic & Islamic Business, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
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Keywords: Maqāṣid, Hadīth, Islamic Law, Narration, Purpose, Anthropocentric


This article examines Jasser Auda's maqaṣid approach to studying hadith and its implications for the renewal of Islamic law. Generally speaking, one way to better understand the purpose of the hadīth is through contextualizing the Prophetic narrations (hadīth), primarily when the scripture cannot be understood textually. Using a descriptive-analytic and critical approach, this study showed that the conception of Auda’s maqāṣid could solve the problem. First, in these terms, Auda offers a way of reading the scripture based on the intent in applying Islamic law and its implications when maqāṣid is a primary consideration in reading and applying the law. Second, the theoretical approach as a result of Auda's academic research is the validation of several ijtihad methodologies which will practically produce the Anthropocentric Maqāṣid, namely the Maqāṣid model considering the development of world governance thinking within the framework of nation-states on the one hand, and making human values such as freedom, equality, justice, democracy as a source of maṣlaḥah on the other. The logical consequence of this Anthropocentric Maqāṣid idea necessitates drawing legal conclusions (istinbath al-ahkam) based on maṣlaḥah, no longer on the text.


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How to Cite
Sulaiman Jamrozi, A. S., Fikriawan, S., Anwar, S., & Ardiansyah, M. (2022). Maqāṣid al-Sharīa in the Study of Hadith and its Implication for the Renewal of Islamic Law: Study on Jasser Auda’s Thought. Justicia Islamica, 19(1), 74-93.