
  • Rizki Amalia IAIN Ponorogo
  • Faizatul Istiqomah IAIN Tulungagung



audiobook, learning media, blind students, inclusive school


The purpose of this study is to describe audiobook as learning media and to
describe factors influencing the successful used of audiobook by the blind students
in inclusive school. This study was conducted at MA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo.
The instruments were observation, interview, and documentation. The result of
this study revealed that the process of the use audiobook for supporting
references in learning English, the teacher introduces an audio application and
then installing it on a blind students’ hand phone or laptop. The factor influencing
the successful use of audiobook by the blind students there are two factors that
are internal and external factor. Internal factor that influencing the success of
blind students in English learning by using audiobook the existence of enthusiasm
from within. External factor that from parents, teacher, caregivers, and also their
friends. All of them always help the blind students when needed.


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