
  • Nala Sita Rukmi STKIP PGRI Jombang
  • Nurul Khasanah IAIN Ponorogo



Code switching, Bilingual Education, International Secondary school


Indonesian government policy supports the international of education at the
secondary level, consequently more institutions have commenced bilingual programs.
Content is taught both in Bahasa Indonesia and English, making code-switching in
classroom discourse. The study was conducted at a single International school in
Semarang, East Java, Indonesia. This case study explored in what ways and under
what circumstances Indonesian teachers and learners use code-switching in the
selected bilingual classroom and semi structured interviews with six-bilingual class
students and teachers at an International secondary school in Semarang, East Java in
Indonesia are used to get the data. The finding shows Teachers’ and students’ codeswitching
demonstrated collectivist phatic functions ”“ for example, teachers codeswitched
to build rapport, remind students and reduce students’ anxiety, and students
code-switched to show their solidarity and concern for their peers. Thus,
interconnectedness was a key characteristic of code-switching by both teachers and
students. This study argues that code-switching is not just about language deficiency,
but involves intentional communicative purposes which support teaching and
learning. It can be concluded that code-switching can be a useful tool to bring about
understanding of unfamiliar concepts and processes as well as the language
associated with them.


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Association of Independent Schools of Victoria.





