Plagiarisme Screening
The writers must guarantee that their writings are unique. If writers utilize the work and words of others, they must adequately reference or quote them.
- To check the possibility of plagiarism, it uses the application Turnitin
- The article must be below 25% of plagiarism (exclude Quotes and Bibliografi).
Plagiarism includes:
- The word for word is Plagiarism. The author uses the words of other authors (exactly) without mentioning the source.
- Plagiarism over the source. The author uses the idea of others without giving enough recognition (without mentioning the source expressly).
- Plagiarism of Authorship. The author is acknowledged as the author of the paperwork of others.
- Self Plagiarism. Included in this type are authors who publish one article in more than one editor of the publication. And recycle paper/papers. What is important in self-plagiarism is that when taking his own works, then the creation of new works produced must have a meaningful change. This means that the old Works are a small part of the new works that were produced. So readers will get new stuff, which is really the author of pour on the paper using the old paper.