Hukum Fee Kafālah di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Perspektif Fikih


  • Muh. Maksum IAIN Ponorogo



Fee, Islamic Financial Institutions, Kafālah


The contracts in Fiqh Muamalah have all been implemented in Sharia Financial Institutions. One of the implemented contract products is kafÄlah. KafÄlah is a binding contract between a kÄfîl (guarantor) to a guaranteed party (makfÅ«l lah) for the receivables given for the implementation of a project/work. In Islamic Financial Institutions, the kafÄlah contract is applied as a Bank Guarantee, Letter Of Credit and Sharia Credit Card (Syariah Card). Contract products that use the kafÄlah system all have a fee. However, the problem is that many people are confused about the law on the existence of the kafÄlah fee. This paper describes the law, basis and reasons for Ulam related to kafÄlah fees implemented in Islamic Financial Institutions. This research uses a type of literature research or library research, namely by collecting data that is the main source from various books, books, articles, scientific journals, and other writings related to the kafÄlah. The approach taken by the researcher is using a qualitative approach, where the data collected is not in the form of numbers, but the data is obtained from the study and review of literature on bibliographic sources. The results of the analysis of researchers related to the law of kafalah fees in Islamic Financial Institutions from the perspective of fiqh are different in the opinion of scholars (ikhtilaf). A kafÄlah contract is a tabarru contract (charity program), not a tijari contract entitled to a fee. This principle makes some Fiqh scholars not allow a kÄfîl to take a fee for insurance services given to the makfÅ«l 'anhu. However, some scholars allow fees on kafÄlah contracts because of the condition of a general-purpose, so that if there is no fee, it will not realize the benefit and carry out good deeds.


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How to Cite

Maksum, M. (2022). Hukum Fee Kafālah di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Perspektif Fikih. Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law, 2(1), 46–62.


