Budgeting From an Islamic Green Economy Perspective in Local Development


  • Yutisa Tri Cahyani Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Lukman Santoso Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Sukron Ma'mun University Of Western Sydney




budgeting, green economy, local development, sustainable development


Global climate change and environmental problems significantly threaten the Earth's ability to support human needs and well-being. This crisis is exacerbated by increased economic development activities that rely heavily on the exploitation of natural resources. Indonesia, facing similar challenges, requires the implementation of a sustainable and environmentally friendly economic model. This study examines budgeting in the context of local government budget documents and regional development reports, focusing on the integration of green economic principles in the Mataraman region of East Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, the research examines local government budget and economic development reports from Madiun City and Ponorogo Regency. It involves a comprehensive analysis of both primary and secondary sources related to local development and budgeting. The findings aim to contribute to the promotion and acceleration of green economic development in the region, thereby influencing the allocation of resources to foster an inclusive and prosperous community.

Author Biographies

Yutisa Tri Cahyani, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Yutisa Tri Cahyani is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Ponorogo State Islamic Institute (IAIN Ponorogo). The focus of the study of interest is on Islamic Economics and development economics. And also involved as an editor in several reputable national

Lukman Santoso, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Lukman Santoso is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia, Ponorogo State Islamic Institute (IAIN Ponorogo). The focus of the study of interest is on Local Government and development law. And also involved as an editor and reviewer in several reputable national and international journals and proceedings.

Sukron Ma'mun, University Of Western Sydney

Sukron Ma'mun is a doctoral student at the School of Social Science Western Sydney University, Australia. The focus of the study of interest is on Islamic Studies and Sociology of Religion. And also involved as an editor and reviewer in several reputable national and international journals and proceedings


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How to Cite

Cahyani, Y. T., Santoso, L., & Ma’mun, S. (2023). Budgeting From an Islamic Green Economy Perspective in Local Development. Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law, 3(2), 236–263. https://doi.org/10.21154/invest.v3i2.7542


